Duskin Leadership Training in Japan

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Weng (Philippines, 8th) spoke at the Deaf Women Empowerment Seminar - March 2014

Presentation at Deaf Event – March 2014

On March 20, 2014, “Deaf Women Empowerment Seminar” took place in Manila. It was hosted by Center for Deaf Esteem and Formation, School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. I was invited as a speaker and gave a PPT presentation on deaf women’s leadership. I shared my experience as the coordinator of the Filipino Deaf Women’s Health and Crisis Center.

Weng speaking to the large audience
Weng speaking to the large audience
Weng’s presentation
Weng’s presentation
Weng’s presentation

Weng’s presentation

On the following two days, I attended the event - “Deaf Community: Inspire Change, Be Extraordinary.” It was organized by School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies of the same college. The two-day event included “Inclusive Deaf Education Lecture”, “UNCRPD Lecture Silent Cocktail Reception,” and “Deaf Leadership Summit.”

Event poster

Event poster

At the reception, I met Mr. Colin Allen, President of the World Federation of the Deaf, whom I had met in Sydney back in December 2011. I was glad that DLS-CSB School Deaf Education and Applied for the Studies hosted the event and invited him to give a presentation for 2 days. CSB also invited the Filipino Deaf Community leader to join the event.

Coling Allen (left) and Weng (right)

Coling Allen (left) and Weng (right)

Moreover, there was a Duskin alumni reunion! I enjoyed seeing and catching up with my fellow former Duskin trainees – Raphy (from the 2nd program) and Raymond (from the 14th program).

Raphy (left), Weng (center) and Raymond (right)

Raphy (left), Weng (center) and Raymond (right)

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