Duskin Leadership Training in Japan

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Amra's Activity Reports (10th program)

ロゴ1SAORI Organization(SO) Annual Report 2020

ロゴ2Home A 252 Kandal Village Kampong Chhnang Commune /District /Province Cambodia

ロゴ3SAORI Organization


ロゴ5(855)92 656 859/87 555 606


Message from the chairman of the board

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I am honored to join you in building a society full of hope and smiles for people with disabilities in Cambodia in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia's National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023.

Together, on behalf of all the members of the Board of Directors, I am very proud of the Executive Director, Um Amraroth, who has devoted his valuable time and resources over the past year, despite the fact that COVID 19 has hampered a large number of his work. Although we, this director did not give up, instead he did his best to help people with disabilities in Kampong Chhnang province in accordance with the policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the field of education, social affairs and health. I would like to thank all the donors who have contributed to the promotion of the rights and livelihoods of people with disabilities together. I would like to thank the Director of the Department of Women's Affairs, Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation. Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports and other departments that have supported SAORI (SO), especially the General Secretariat of the Disability Action Council, which is the direct staff of the Royal Government, which has helped to promote the development of the Law on Protection. And promote the rights of persons with disabilities. Once again, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Directors and People with Disabilities in Kampong Chhnang Province, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the donors and stakeholders for their attention in the field of disability.

Chairman of the Board

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Chan Sarin

Message of Executive Director

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I am pleased to present the annual operating report and congratulatory message to all stakeholders, sponsors and business owners who have been working closely with SAORI for the entire period of 2020.In this summary report, SAORI can hardly believe that it has been operating for 12 years now, since the first year it was officially registered with the Ministry of Interior(MOI) in 2019.

SAORI has been pleased and reflected over the years by partnering with donor departments and stakeholders to ensure that "SAORI" has reached a certain point in a short period of time. This decade, before entering the second decade of the next few years, "SAORI" is preparing to summarize the results, which is an incentive for the organization to continue to move forward in the field of disability During this year, SAORI implemented 6 projects such as vocational training: SAORI hand weaving for 4 people with disabilities, including physical and mental disabilities, to gain skills and improve their weaving skills.

Revenue from the sale of products. Improve the quality of production, promote the products of people with disabilities through SAORI Facebook page, expand the domestic market and export. Take care of people with disabilities in a timely manner. Working days such as feeding, toilets, sports and technical assistance and increase safety for all children in the organization. Provide training on the rights of people with disabilities and other important knowledge for living in society. To encourage people with disabilities to increase their self-confidence, values and creativity, empower them to address all struggles living in a state of development through training and public forums on gender equality, advocacy with Relevant and provincial departments on the inclusion of gender equality of women and girls with disabilities. Socialization to promote the artistic value of their products to the public through exhibitions at any traditional community event.

Discrimination against people with disabilities provides opportunities to participate in society on a regular basis. Facilitate the provision of three wheelchairs to children in need, living in remote rural areas and living in poverty. Provincial Committee for Women and Children (PCWC), Department of Social Affairs, WATER AID / and JICA. Sustainability Achievement Goals 2020 Develop the unit, accountability, staff and board members are committed to success.

Once again, on behalf of the SAORI community, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the relevant departments in the province, partner organizations and donors for their close cooperation and look forward to the coming years. Further innovation in the field of disability in Cambodia.

Executive Director

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Um Amraroth


About SAORI Organization


A society where people with disabilities have the opportunity to study skills, obtain decent employment, earn a living, and to live a dignified life.


Providing a suitable vocational skill to improve your income, livelihood, and economy through SAORI Free Hand weaving. Encourage physical expression of intellectual pride and pride in the achievement of new development.


Respect the decisions of persons with disabilities. We provide opportunities to promote the development, capacity and potential of persons with disabilities.

  • Promote and develop economic development for people with all kinds of disabilities through integration of persons with disabilities into vocational training.
  • Training in hand weaving skills to support the professional development of people with disabilities
  • Promote social inclusion through activities to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
  1. Vocational Training
  2. Scoial inclusion
  3. Empowerment
  4. Short day care
  5. Marketing
  6. Susutaibility


In 2019, SAORI has been active in its activities without receiving full funding. In the meantime, SAORI has implemented five main programs, from training programs to skills training. Vocational to the sustainability program.

Understanding the needs of the textile sector, especially people with intellectual disabilities, is a difficult issue, so the quality of training needs to be strengthened to achieve better results.

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Four people with disabilities come to receive regular training, as they benefit from the arts, especially for people with disabilities, such as well-being, towards social participation, the effectiveness of the creative creation of art by People with disabilities live in society.

The influence of the arts of people with disabilities is reflected in the participation or opportunities of people with disabilities in society as a whole, so SAORI weaving is a good example of an integrated education of people with disabilities. They especially encourage the participation of equal communities.

Our hope and goal is to successfully implement the SAORI project to attract people with disabilities to acquire knowledge, skills, family income and increase the economy.

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Society without leaving anyone alone. We have held only one SAORI board meeting in Kampong Chhnang province due to the worsening COVID 19 outbreak.

Of particular importance is the development of key principles, such as financial policy, personnel policy, child protection policy and gender policy, which will be submitted to the Board for review and decision, but have been delayed due to the circumstances of COVID 19.

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Already opened a US $ savings account at ACLEDA Bank, Kampong Chhnang Province.

In particular, enhancing good relations with some international institutions such as SAORI HIROBA, SAORI Thailand, PARTNER Independence living center, Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (JICA) and relevant units in the province, such as: Department of Women's Affairs, Department of Social Affairs, Department of Youth Education.

And Sports Department of Information, Department of Planning, Department of Health, Provincial Police Commissioner, Provincial Gendarmerie and Sangkat of Kampong Chhnang Municipality, including many media channels such as: Bayon TV, Radio Asia, Southeast Asia, Channel 5 and Apsara TV.

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This year, 2021, SAORI will continue its joint efforts to make progress by seeking funding from various donors from the government, generating revenue from the sale of products and sponsorship from Accompanied by various philanthropists. SAORI has also been very successful in advocating for 'gender equality' for women and girls with disabilities. Provinces and related units through micro-grants of the Danish Church and the European Union.

SAORI also regularly meets with the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Committee for Women and Children's Affairs (WCAC) to report on the activities of women and girls with disabilities, the consequences encountered, and other requests.

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SAORI products, which are the work of people with disabilities, have received a lot of support this year, despite the crisis due to the impact of COVID 19, such as Renail shop exports to Japan, orders for scarves, shirts with hats.

New designs of local and foreign customers. Advertising through social media and direct sales at SAORI Weaving Factory.

The SAORI Project Action Video is included in the 40,000 copies of the “Guidelines for the Identification of Disabilities by Social Patterns and Fundamental Rights” that will be published nationwide.

In order to continue its activities, SAORI needs $ 23,000 in activities to be implemented by 2021. However, SAORI continues to work hard to gain support for the implementation of the sector's vision and progress.

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1. Communication
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Relations and visits at SAORI HIROBA in Osaka I studied at SAORI for 10 years Previously, with the aim of creating this project to train people with disabilities in Cambodia. Many people go through failure and success. Today I have the opportunity to report on the results of the SAORI project in Cambodia to management. We are trained Vocational skills: People of all disabilities can have decent jobs in society. Today, we provide training to four people with disabilities and staff at SAORI. Consultation on the process of implementing SAORI products with the strong support of the Department of Domestic and Foreign Trade Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce and the Director of the Ministry of Rural Development, Mr. Eiji Jo advised to focus on opening SAORI weaving classes to the general public. Trained by people with disabilities. Will be able to find businesses to help them. Contact SAORI in Thailand, such as buying weaving machines, yarns and other weaving materials. It helps reduce costs and learn more about the success of their SAORI project. The point is, SAORI can find affordable local yarn resources to produce their products and distribute them on the market. SAORI can provide training for 10 to 15 people with disabilities, relevant organizations will be able to help them. Thank you to Micah for always providing you with a loving, compassionate and supportive relationship with SAORI. Hope to see you all again with the smiles of the disabled.

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2. Observations

A big thank you to Mr. Tetsuya Kaneno for the Solidarity Consultation in Cambodia for teaching SAORI as a whole, especially SAORI teaching techniques. Feel good relationship with the opportunity to learn later. I have learned a lot from your guidance, this knowledge will be needed.

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3. Visit New SAORI Branch

Attendance at SAORI New Branch in Osaka with friends at PARTNER, we were taught how to set up a weaving room, storage space, general management, human resources, weaving classes for general public. A fun exchange of experiences with fraternity custom design.

4. Partnership

SAORI HIROBA has always provided material and communication support, so future cooperation projects will continue, such as SAORI training, SAORI weaving orders, participation in international exhibitions in Japan, and networking.

Relations with many countries in the world that implement this project, especially in Asia.

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SAORI Thailand

1. Relationship history

SAORI has been affiliated with SAORI HIROBA for many years. Then in 2019 I attended a forum on "Cooperation with Persons with Disabilities in the Asia-Pacific Region" co-sponsored by Japan. Get to know SAORI Thailand, based in Thailand, to connect the first relationship between SAOII Cambodia and the SAORI Japan project. SAORI Thailand is a licensed company that specializes in the production of textiles, yarns and textiles for vocational training for people with disabilities in Asia.

SAORI has been in contact with SAORI Thailand to learn more about SAORI projects and other collaborations.

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2. Donation

At the end of 2019, SAORI Thailand visited SAORI for the first time with a study on the actual situation of the organization while providing vocational training to people with disabilities.

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On this occasion, SAORI received a set of weaving looms, weaving threads and some weaving tools. The multi-colored yarn offers options for people with disabilities in creative and innovative choices.

Mr. Sujin Sawangsri, President of SAORI Thailand and colleagues, instructed on how to install, weave, use and store safely. People with disabilities are happy to receive invaluable assistance and are committed to improving their weaving skills.

3. Cooperation

SAORI weaving is the most popular hand weaving method to support people with disabilities more than 30% of the population works in special education schools, integrated education centers and rehabilitation centers for the disabled in Thailand through the experience of SAORI.

SAORI weaving has been introduced to more than 40 countries around the world to strengthen ties between the two countries and further education, special education and integrated education for people with intellectual disabilities.

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In particular, cooperation contributes to the opportunity for people with disabilities to participate in society and actively participate in the community. Support them to become self-reliant people. Train trainers to teach how to teach SAORI weaving in their own country.

I would like to thank giving SAORI Thailand and all partners such as special school and inclusive education who support our visiting with warm heart.

We have gotten much experiences which we have never known before thus it is very important to design for such as a vocational training and society for all.

Japanese International Cooperation Agency

We were first greeted by Mr. Yuji Shinoraha, JICA Representative, in the morning at the JICA office. After that, we introduced each other for the purpose of the meeting.

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I have highlighted the following points:

  • Board Member
  • Biography of SAORI
  • What is the meaning of the word SAORI?
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Values
  • Program goals

Financial statements, number of members, annual expenditure allocation (as a percentage) I showed him the JICA application provided by SAORI Thailand, but he said that this application is for government-to-government communication only.

2. Partnership

The presentation ended with some questions and answers, as a result Mr. Yuji Shinoraha made the important following recommendations:

He can recommend to his friends to support S products. Find a product market in Japan. Make money for the crowd, like making stories like presentations and translating into Japanese to make money.

In about 4 to 5 months, we can get about $ 6,000 from Japan. The nation is not stable, so try Sell as many products as possible. JICA has 67 employees who can purchase SAORI products.

  • He plans to visit SAORI Organization, Kampong Chhnang Province on any occasion.
  • SAORI can get a volunteer from SAORI HIROBA in Japan for advice, so JICA will support everything. This process requires the individual organization to apply to JICA to support the volunteer.

By October 2020, JICA could support SAORI in selling products at Aeon Mall. I understood a lot about what he recommended and supported for a SAORI. In addition, he bought some SAORI products such as pen cases and coin bags. We also gave him a beautiful scarf made by a disabled person.

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After a fruitful meeting, we had lunch with Ms. Toko Jiva Saodi, a representative from JICA, on several projects for which she was responsible: industrial development, rice quality, government, gender and landmine projects. We discussed a lot about special education in Kampong Chhnang.

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Partner Independent Living Center

The Independent Living Center Partners in Osaka was one of the institutions where I went to study the independent living of people with disabilities in 2009. At that time, I was studying the independent life of people with disabilities. Advocacy, counseling for people with disabilities, especially the study of SAORI weaving, a vocational training project for people with disabilities.

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In 2019, I also had the opportunity to pay a courtesy call and make a report on some of SAORI's activities. Disabilities at this Independent Life Center, in particular, are enhancing friendships.

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On March 15, 2020, I had the opportunity to present the detailed SAORI project to the partner organization again in Phnom Penh, then on February 16, 2020, Partner Independent Living Center) in Osaka visited SAORI in Kampong Chhnang with the participation of Mr. Takashi Chimura and Mr. Yasuyuki Yamane.

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This is a rare opportunity to learn about the real-life situation of Down Syndrome children and children with intellectual disabilities who have been away from school, work and social interactions for a long time.

Mr. Takeshi Chimura urged all of you to work harder to improve your standard of living and quality of life.

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Many thanks to the delegation, friends, as well as guests with disabilities for taking the time to attend, I will do my best to strengthen the relationship as well as seek a better partnership more.

We will strive to further strengthen the relationship in the international partnership between Cambodia and Japan.

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We would like to thank to Partner Independent Living Center for this official visiting to SAORI Organization. Independent living System is very important for the life of people with disabilities to join in the society such as the personal assistant could day care for PWDs during received a vocational training.

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Cambodia Mines-remove Campaign(CMC)

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Since 2014, CMC has partnered with SAORI to provide vocational training to people with landmine disabilities through the support we receive from them, such as charitable donations, yarn, sewing machines, communication with Smile Shop, participation. Since the exhibition at CJCC for the sale of SAORI products there.

More than that is the coordination of the International Volunteer Program in Osaka, which is essential in human resource training, support for some yarns and weaving materials.

The purpose of their support was to provide vocational training to about 10 to 15 landmine-disabled people, so we tried to come up with a project and apply for a fund that could support us.

If possible, the CMC could provide us with a two-story building for SAORI. However, this project has not been able to be achieved yet due to some major obstacles.

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Participate in broadcasting the audio program from the heart through leaflets and as a speaker on the radio program in Battambang province for the following purposes:

1. Disseminate more widely from the organization CMC.

2. Relations between SAORI CMC and related entities.

3. Vocational training: through SAORI hand weaving.

4. Encouraging people with disabilities who have difficulty in life.

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CMC supports a wide range of SAORI products: hats, scarves, handbags, hair ties, water bottles and men's shirts.

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Recently, SAORI was also in a difficult situation due to the outbreak of the devastating 19 epidemic COVID, which resulted in the loss of almost all of its aid. From Renail Shop in Japan through Mr. Yoshiyuki Hiwatashi, an employee of CMC in Battambang. This is the first time to export SAORI products abroad and to encourage the efforts of people with disabilities to become stronger.

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Although there are currently no people with disabilities due to landmines to receive vocational training services through hand weaving, we will strive to further this work. Many thanks to Mr. Kenj Otani and Mr. Takeshi Tanaka for their support of SAORI from its inception to its present growth.

Relevant institutions in Kampong Chhnang

1. Disability Action Council in 2020

Seeing the hardships of children with disabilities in the community of Prasnup village, Kampong Chhnang province and the request of their families. SAORI requested three wheelchairs to provide them. Daily use such as study, business and participation in social activities.

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2. Women and Children (CCHR)

Every month, we are invited to attend a meeting of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Committee for Women and Children's Affairs at Province.

1. To report on the project activities and consequences related to the problems of women and children of SAORI to the Provincial Council.

2.Discuss the relevant situation, find solutions to challenges, select opinions and recommendations, submit to the council and the Board of Governors with measures.

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3. Kampong Chhnang Department Affair

Liaise with Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Women's Affairs for important work such as:

1. Network participation of the Department of Women's Affairs for the work of women and girls with disabilities.

2. Advise on work related to the problems of women and girls with disabilities in Kampong Chhnang province.

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4. Department of Social Affairs of Kampong Chhnang Province

This is the first time to contact Mr. Thong Chamroeun, Director of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Social Affairs to introduce SAORI, in particular, the President provided the following important recommendations:

1.Orientation in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.

2.Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Social Affairs will visit people with disabilities at SAORI.

3.Facilitate meetings on disability at the provincial and national levels.

4.Establish cooperation with partner organizations working in the field of disability. Project for Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the future.

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5. WaterAid Organization

Water Aid aims to advance the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Kampong Chhnang, especially the water and sanitation program for the disabled and the elderly.

Waters Aid also provided two buckets of water, several hand sanitizers, and a pamphlet on handwashing and preventing COVID 19.

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SAORI would like to thank all the institutions and stakeholders who have taken care to provide all kinds of support and communication to help promote the progress of people with disabilities in SAORI.

In the new year, SAORI is committed to expanding and strengthening its relationship to the next level.

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1. Bayon TV and Radio Station

I have been in touch with Bayon TV and Radio since 2017 during the Sankranti program in Siem Reap to promote SAORI products. Three important topics which the TV would like interview us such as ÷

A) SAORI Organization’s background

b) Volunteer opportunities from SAORI

c) Promoting SAORI products through interviews expands the reach of television and social media.

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2. Southeast Asia Television Station

In Kampong Chhnang province, there are TV channels that often interview people with disabilities from the SAORI project, both during the Bon Phum program and at SAORI organization.

This is the first time that people with disabilities have come together to show off their talents with beautiful textiles that we have seen before.

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3. Channel 5 interviewed

People with disabilities at SAORI directly during the COVID 19 crisis, which is having a profound effect on Cambodia, as well as the process of implementing its activities.

SAORI Weaving Project. He also helped promote and appeal to people with disabilities to provide more support for SAORI products.

4. Apsara Net TV Station
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APSARA Net often pays attention Encourage the dissemination of vocational training: through hand weaving, especially focusing on key points such as ÷ goals, vision, mission and values of the organization to be information for people with disabilities and the general public. In the community.

5. Kampong Chhnang TV Station TV

Stations all have their own newspapers and websites through:

The promotion, which showcases their own capabilities, is an encouraging and dignified incentive, especially the promotion of domestic production, the chain of production, family income and national economic growth.

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Journalists have expressed their respect for people with disabilities, love without discrimination.

The media is an indispensable partner for covering the situation of PWDs, difficulties and successes.

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The most important program in SAORI organization is vocational training: through SAORI hand weaving with the main purpose of this to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities through SAORI handicraft weaving. Provides quality weaving skills and free innovations. Increase income to improve quality of life. In 2020, we have trained 8 people with disabilities with the following results:

Mr. Sreng Srey Poch
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Because of the support, encouragement, attention, this is the first time in his life that he has received vocational training: a job as a person with Down Syndrome after being indoors for a long time. For many years, the reason is that the intellect is not able to grasp knowledge like a normal child. Language and communication in society.

Mr. Chim Chanva
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He has the same mental disability as: down Syndrome, he only learned to weave SAORI for a short time because of the lack of support from his family.

Miss So Srey Nay A disabled girl who lives in an orphanage in Kampong Chhnang province has been studying SAORI weaving in her spare time for three years, even though she is studying.

Who never gave up on his dreams. He excelled in weaving his dream krama and helping his teammates.

In 2020, you will not be able to attend regular weaving classes due to the COVID 19 epidemic.

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Miss khun Salay

Srey Lay has intellectual problems and Down Syndrome, living with her mother without There are jobs for a living as well as intelligence for learning like other children. When he first came to SAORI, she had difficulty communicating with other staff, and his awkward behavior was unacceptable due to his isolation from society.

However, we do not abandon him, we try to help them improve their weaving skills and daily activities. They improve their weaving skills and daily activities.

We have explored the many needs, problems, and solutions for teaching techniques and methods that improve. We have noticed that people with Down Syndrome have a unique design in weaving art, unlike any other disability. They did it without anyone being left alone.

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It is unbelievable that she has changed her characteristic by SAORI inclusive program.

From now on SAORI Organization is going to design more program which could support her such as skill and income as much as we can.

Mr. Matt Prouy

He has a physical disability in both legs, is unable to walk, is paralyzed in the right arm and mentally.

In addition, he is an orphan living in an orphanage since childhood. Despite having the opportunity to study like other orphans, he was worried that he would not be able to study as well as he's.

SAORI encouraged him to have hope and work hard. In movement and movement, gradually, with care, trained with great patience, he was able to weave a krama almost unbelievably well.

Many krama designs are supported by customers. In addition, he participates in the annual village festival and Sankranti exhibition to show his true potential to the masses.

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Mr. Virak Chey J. Chantharith

Through social media, it has attracted a lot of attention, especially for people with disabilities. Well, especially can help and share to people with disabilities who have severe intellectual disabilities.

He said that for many years he was not involved in the work like everyone else, now he was overjoyed.

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Miss Son Srey Nan

Living in poverty, Srey Nan has siblings who have the same disability, orphans, and parents now have a sister to take care of them. He came to study SAORI weaving at SAORI organization free of charge. The organization provided support as much as possible, however, they only came to study on Saturdays and Sundays due to lack of transportation. Serious brothers and sisters, it is difficult to hear the coaches' explanations and the body is soft and difficult to pick up and weave.

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Miss Suon Sreypin

Now both of them have moved to other organizations because SAORI does not have enough resources to train them. Here are the handicrafts of people with disabilities ÷

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Program 1:Vocational Training

Developing Vocational opportunities and creative activities for people with disabilities and commercializing hill-tribe peoples' craft in Cambodia.

The project is aiming at improving public awareness concerning people with disabilities and their families, and developing their vocational opportunities through people with disabilities' creative artistic activities.

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Program 2: Daily Care

We need to take care of people with disabilities in a timely manner during the daily work, such as feeding, using toilets, bathrooms, hygiene, sports, recreation, safety and technical assistance. Safety is paramount for all children in SAORI, meaning protection both physically and mentally. Encouraging all children to believe and be committed to their work. A personal support system is a motivator. The participation of people with disabilities in the community enables them to perform better, be more motivated and attract them to participate in society more and more.

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Program 3: Socialization

It is essential to include people with disabilities in all areas of development. Exhibitions of SAORI products in major events such as village festivals, Sankranti festivals, etc. are always present with people with disabilities in full view. Values, abilities and honors People with disabilities can no longer stay at home and live alone.

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Program 4: Marketing

Promote hand-woven SAORI products through media and sales systems in both local and international markets. Enhance the quality, quantity and beauty of the product.

Increase income to support a better standard of living. Timely response to product orders.

Demonstrates the attractiveness and difference between hand-made and machine-made products. Timely response to product orders.

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Program 5: Empowerment

Provide training on the rights of people with disabilities and other important knowledge for living in society. Empowering to deal with any struggles living in a state of development. · To motivate for self-confidence, trust, value and creativity.

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Program 6: Sustainability

Achieve annual goals

  • Organizational Development
  • Accountability
  • All staff and board members are committed to success.

Sustainability is one of the most important activities that SAORI has been focusing on, how to adapt and protect against potential risks. Eventually.

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SAORI Products

1. Hat

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2. Hair Tie

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3. Satchel

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4. Scarf

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Gender Equality for Women and Girls with Disabilities

This year we received $ 1,100 from the Danish Church and the European Union for the following purposes:

1. End criticism against women and girls with disabilities.

2. End the violence against women and girls with disabilities.

3. Participate in full leadership and decision making.

4. Empower women through technology.

5. Adopt and strengthen operational policies for gender inequality.

6. Stop the incidents of sexual harassment that are common in the workplace and community.

7. Stop exploiting women and girls with disabilities.

8. Reduce the risk of violence against women, girls and LGBT people.

9. Stop blaming yourself for being vulnerable and suffering serious social scandals while rape is widely regarded as a criminal experience.

10. Protect children from violence, prevent drugs, alcohol, improve the quality of education, integrate gender stereotypes and other factors.

11. Together, reduce violence, which leads to huge losses for individuals, society, as well as public services, loss of salaries, education and other medical expenses.

12. Together, effectively implement key legal and policy measures.

13. Strengthen and implement options for supporting and addressing violence against women and children.

14. Fill in the gaps in resources and training and culture, impunity, gender inequality, promote the implementation of practices such as mediation of domestic violence cases and compensation in cases of rape.

15. Social services can provide and support

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Laws for victims of violence against women are not yet systematic, and those services are not yet in the hands of all women.

16.Continue to pay more attention to primary and secondary prevention of violence against women and girls.

To achieve the above objectives, we have organized three activities:

1. Capacity development of women and children with disabilities to provide resilience by 2020. SAORI organizes a two-day two-day training session on gender equality for women and girls with disabilities and a total of 35 participants at SAORI under the chairmanship of Ms. Pech Sophea, Director of the Provincial Department of Women's Affairs, and Kenny Director of the Provincial Department of Women's Affairs.

In the training, women and girls with disabilities studied the meaning of gender, gender equality, gender concepts or ideologies, gender, gender roles and discrimination against women, the three methods of inequality. More importantly, awareness of the rights of women and girls with disabilities, expressions of violence, and so on.

2. Raise awareness of the rights and responsibilities of the authorities and stakeholders. Training on Gender Equality at Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Women's Affairs with participants from This course focuses on the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims, the Law on the Suppression of Human Trafficking and Trafficking in Persons.

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In addition, the joint implementation of the Incheon Strategy, the sixth goal of which addresses the gender equality of women and girls with disabilities, calls for more attention to be paid to women and girls with disabilities. Disability through action plans and other development plans of the relevant units.

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3. Public forum: Eliminate gender-based violence against women and children with disabilities.

In order to achieve the goals of this fund, SAORI has organized this public forum: Indeed, the campaign to promote the rights of persons with disabilities is being actively promoted at both the national and sub-national levels! SAORI has contributed to the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023 in order to eliminate all forms of exploitation and discrimination against people with disabilities, making the people with disabilities more vulnerable. Get social support, improve quality of life, get attention in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "No one is forgotten"

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We hope that next time SAORI Organization could continue our work more on the gender equity for people with disability.

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Community Support

SAORI organization received a request from the guardians of Ms. Sok San and Mr. Vuth Panha, who live in Prasnem village, Prasnup commune, Rolea B'oeur district, Kampong Chhnang province. Missed the opportunity to study, gain knowledge, skills and activities.

Seeing this difficulty, the organization Saori organization received a request from the guardians of Sok San and Vuth Panha, who live in Prasnem village, Prasnup commune, Rolea B'oeur district, Kampong Chhnang province. Missed the opportunity to study, gain knowledge, skills and activities. Seeing this difficulty, the organization.

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SAORI also requested three wheelchairs from the Disability Action Council (DAC), two for them and one for use within the unit.

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Apparently, their families are very poor, so SAORI seeks donors as well as philanthropists to facilitate the delivery of wheelchair cards from Phnom Penh to them.

Through advertising, we received a total budget of $ 51, which was donated by Local philanthropists.

Photograph 16-3

Wheelchairs handed over to them directly in the public forum: "Gender Equality" Presided over by Lok Chumteav, Governor of Kampong Chhnang Province, Born Sophy and Lok Chumteav Tong Nary, Provincial Councilor and Chairperson of the Committee on Women and children.

Photograph 16-4

Families of children with disabilities express their gratitude to the Disability Action Council, SAORI and all the benefactors for providing physical and emotional support to their children.

Photograph 16-5

Board of Directors SAORI Organization 2020

Photograph 17-1

SAORI’s Organization Chart 2020

Photograph 18-1

Financial disclosure

Photograph 19-1
Photograph 19-2


On behalf of the disabled, parents and beneficiaries of our program, SAORI would like to thank all the donors for their support this year and in previous years. Finance has enabled SAORI to provide meaningful services to its beneficiaries. Thank you!

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