Annual Report 2021
2․ Message from chief of board
3. Message from governing board
4. Message from executive director
5. About SAORI Organization (SO)
6. High light of the activities
"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the relevant departments in the province, partner organizations and donors for their close cooperation and look forward to more innovations in the field of disability in the coming years Cambodia.”
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I am honored to join you in building a society full of hope and smiles for people with disabilities in Cambodia in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia's National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023.
Together, on behalf of all the Board of Directors, I am very proud of the Executive Director, Um Amraroth, who has devoted his valuable time and resources over the past five years, despite the fact that Covid 19 has hampered a large number of his work. We, however, did not give up, but she did her best to help the disabled in Kampong Chhnang province in accordance with the policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the field of education, social affairs and health.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the donors and philanthropists who have contributed to the promotion of the rights and livelihoods of people with disabilities together and Youth Rehabilitation, Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports, and other departments that have supported SAORI, in particular the General Secretariat of the Council on Disability Action, which is the direct staff of the Royal Government, which has helped push for progress on the law. Protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities.
Once again, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Directors and Persons with Disabilities in Kampong Chhnang Province, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the donors and stakeholders for their attention in the field of disability. I would like to wish you and all the donors happiness and new success in 2022.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please accept my deepest condolences.
SAORI is a non-profit organization governed by a five-member board of trustees formed by a group of people who are committed and supportive of SAORI to achieve its vision, mission, values and values. Organizational goals. The role of the Board is honorable and voluntary, with all members receiving no fees from the organization. The Director is selected from among the members and sets the strategic direction of SAORI management. As an organization that must maintain flexibility to respond to the changing needs of the disability sector, its governance, governance and management practices to meet the needs of people with disabilities in the community. The Director, Staff and Cooperation Partners are committed to success in the future.
I am pleased to present the Annual Operations Report and Greetings to all stakeholders, sponsors, and donors who have worked closely with Saori for six years in the Outcome Report. Also, SAORI almost does not believe in itself that the organization has been operating for 13 years since the first year of operation and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in 2019.
SAORI is pleased to reflect on the past year, partnering with donor departments and stakeholders to ensure that "Saori" has reached a milestone in a decade. Come on? Before entering the second decade of the next few years, SAORI is preparing to summarize the results, which is an incentive for the organization to continue to move forward in the field of disability.
During this year, Saori has implemented six projects, including vocational training: SAORI handicraft training for people with disabilities, including the physically and mentally handicapped, five people with weaving skills to gain skills and increase income. By selling quality-enhancing products, promoting the products of people with disabilities through SAORI Facebook page, expanding the domestic market and exporting them in a timely manner. During the working day, such as feeding, using toilets, sports and technical assistance and increase safety for all children in the organization. Provide training on the rights of people with disabilities and other important knowledge for living in society. Disability to increase self-confidence, values and innovation Empower the solution to all struggles living in a state of development through training and public forums on gender equality Advocacy with relevant departments and provinces on the inclusion of gender equality of women and girls with disabilities. Socialization to promote the artistic value of their products to the public through exhibitions at traditional events in the community. Reduce discrimination against people with disabilities. Provide opportunities to participate in society on a regular basis. Facilitate the provision of personal assistance to care for people with disabilities who have difficulty moving around while on duty. Market relations with the Committee on Women and Children Provincial Department of Social Affairs, WATER AID / and Japanese donors. Writing a report is to provide information to management as a witness for requesting additional funding, as a basis for auditing and evaluation, as a reference for future projects, as information to share with management.
Once again, on behalf of the SAORI community, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the relevant departments in the province, partner organizations and owners.
Assistance for close cooperation and expect more innovations in the coming years disability in Cambodia.
A society where people with disabilities can have the opportunity to gain real skills to be able to get a job and a decent income and live with dignity. | Provide professional skills and decent work to increase income, improve their livelihood through Saori weaving. | Values respect the decisions of people with disabilities and provide opportunities to promote the development of the abilities and potential of people with disabilities. | The goal is to promote and develop the economy of people with disabilities in all its forms through the integration of people with disabilities into vocational training. |
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SAORI organized daily absences, prepares bank accounts, real estate list, prepares annual financial statements in Excel and other administrative documents such as invoices, quotations and financial card forms, with explanations, advice from consultants. Accountant of Takhmao Special Education High School.
In order to respond to SAORI Accountability, it is necessary to have the SAORI Principles prepared in Khmer and English, signed and approved by the SAORI Board of Directors for implementation, such as:
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At a time when social media is becoming more popular for publicity and information, Saori is honored to be invited by Water Aid to participate in a training course on "Photography and Video" to promote hygiene. And the progress of clean water in the community. So, the knowledge for writing articles means content for posting on social media, photography, video recording with meaning, identity and taste. In addition, how to live broadcast through social media. We also learned more about hygiene and the use of clean water, which are essential for health, performance and quality of life. | ![]() |
Successful training course on "Convenient physical infrastructure" at Sovannaphum Hotel in order to implement the standard infrastructure to facilitate people with disabilities for a society with well-being, equality and equity. Thank you to the Royal the Government, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the Disability Action Council, the Department of Social Affairs, donor organizations and relevant institutions have facilitated the organization of this physical infrastructure. | ![]() |
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The theme "Women and Development in the Coverage-19" aims to continue to highlight the values of gender equality, which the Royal Government has been supporting, encouraging the participation of all institutions, including men and women, for social progress towards the promotion of rights and status. Livelihood, status, role of women and social welfare to develop human resources with quality and ability. |
Summarizing the work results for 2020 and the work direction for the new year 2021 of the Provincial Committee of the Provincial Youth Association and the Provincial Disaster Management Committee under the high chairmanship of His Excellency General Kun Kim, Senior Minister in charge of Special Mission, First Vice-Chairman and as Secretary-General.
On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, I attended the meeting of "Consultation of the results of May and the direction for implementation in June 2021" of the Advisory Committee. Kampong Chhnang Women's and Children's Affairs Advisory Committee under the high leadership of Lok Chumteav Tong Nary, Chairperson of Kampong Chhnang Women's and Children's Affairs Advisory Committee. Provincial Permanent Vice President, Members and many other stakeholders from relevant departments, units, offices, cooperative organizations involved. Thank you very much to the administration of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Hall for giving SAORI the opportunity to This important meeting focused on focusing on the education of girls and youth.
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Even in the 19 Covid Crisis, the SUM system still served as a good communicator for Global Asia New interviews with Saori, focusing on key issues such as the organization's history, goals, goals, vision, and activities. Mainly implemented in the community in the past, Saori's relationship with other countries such as Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, etc. You can know more content in the following link can know more content in the following link:
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Ordinarily, he was just a man, but in fact he was mentally handicapped and could not get an education like other children. His family encouraged him to study SAORI weaving, which gave him the opportunity to gain weaving skills, make friends, develop language, try to understand more about the laws and conventions of disability and communication. "I will do my best," he said as a volunteer. |
In order to improve the quality of work and provide employment opportunities for women with disabilities, we advertise the recruitment of volunteers through social media in the fields of accounting and finance, through background checks, practice, writing tests and interviews. Finally, we have selected candidate with disabilities to do this job well.
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Gender Equality
A workshop on "Preventing Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities" chaired by Ms. Kenny, Deputy Director of the Department of Women's Affairs, Kampong Chhnang Province. | |
Participating components | |
1. Ms.Ke Ny | Deputy of women’s and child affair department |
2. Ms.Nov Varen | Deputy Chief of Legal Protection Office |
3. Ms. Chet Sothea | President of the Orphanage 2 December |
4. SAORI Organization’s staff | 4 people |
5. Youth | 8 people |
6. People with disability | 10 people |
7. Youth / Orphans | 15 people |
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(Photos, attendance and opening of the workshop) |
Ms. Kenny emphasized the definition of the causes, the effects of violence, interventions and finding support partners. These five points are the key to domestic violence, it comes from family members who exercise power in this family and under the same roof. Causes arise from responsible roles in the family, jealousy, disagreement, and debt. Consequences for the family, such as loss of honor, mental health, and dignity. Closest to help vulnerable people. Mild violence is a civil offense and a serious crime is a crime. There are still cases of rape of women in our community. Therefore, today's workshop will show the prevention of violence for women and girls with disabilities, who are vulnerable, weak and disabled, in order to achieve equality, equity and live with dignity in society. Atmosphere. She also encouraged all participants, especially those with disabilities, to study hard to change negative attitudes and eliminate violence in society, and wished the participants good health. Good and avoid Covid-19 together. Violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms will be reduced through increased interventions, increased prevention, better response, improved access to quality services, multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination.
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Increasing the provision of acceptable and appropriate services and facilitating the provision of quality services and responsiveness to the diverse needs of women and girls with all forms of disabilities affected by gender-based violence. And young people are becoming more knowledgeable and skilled in promoting and building gender equality, gender equity, and non-violence to change attitudes, behaviors, and practices that respect human rights (including sexual rights, gender equality, and sexual relations). To reduce violence against women through primary prevention and control strategies, multi-sectoral coordination with key stakeholders and institutions and elsewhere to promote positive change. Disseminate knowledge in their respective units. All relevant institutions will increase their attention and commitment to participate in the implementation of the prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities as specified in the National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019. 2023 To comply with the Law on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Incheon Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the International Strategy. Families from the punishment and hardships that come after violence.
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There is also a question to ask for opinions from those who participated in the question to the people in the program: "What are the causes of violence?"
The causes of the violence are as follows:
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The workshop is supported by the Small Fund for “Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities” with support from the Danish Church and the European Union for Gender Equality Advocacy and Education Initiative for Women and Girls. Have a disability.
Ms. Neou Varen, deputy director of the Office of Legal Protection, explained what violence is. What does it come from? Why? What are the types of violence? What are the effects of violence on those around you? In particular, the victims of violence have the intervention of who and what are the perpetrators of violence? Violence is caused by family members who use power in the family and under the same roof. Violence stems from responsible roles in the family, jealousy, disagreements, and debt. Violence has devastating consequences for families, such as loss of honor, mental health, and dignity. Thus, violence can involve the authorities or those closest to helping vulnerable people. Mild violence is a civil offense and serious violence is a criminal offense.
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After listening to the explanations of these lessons of violence before and after the lesson "What is violence?" After completing the lessons related to violence, there were also questions to survey whether those who participated in listening to the writing, what knowledge and experience did they gain? Ask them questions so that they are given the opportunity to participate and provide feedback. But there are some who are illiterate, so just explain to them what the question means and then have them tick Chris to prove that he got the right answer.
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People with disabilities, young men and women from the 2 December orphanage and volunteers, the program also resumed at 2:00 pm. Ms. Um Amraroth had a talk with the delegation and the people who were present here. Before starting the next lesson, there will be art performances by the youth in the center of 2 December, which creates a noisier atmosphere. Continued lessons related to the experience of suffering from discrimination and specific needs, with the following content:
Some people feel that violence is the fault of the victims and that there is more blame and discrimination against the victims. This perception is a misconception, it is a mistake to blame the victim, which makes him even more hurt and embarrassed that sometimes they will not dare to tell us. Individuals who commit violence are responsible for their own behavior, problems can be solved by other means without the use of violence.
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There are many solutions to avoid violence or to prevent violence from occurring to the victim party, violence against others is an act that is against the law and if any Contrary to the law, the person will be punished according to his conduct. Domestic violence can be a civil offense or, if severe violence is committed against the victim, can lead to criminal penalties, imprisonment or fines depending on the severity of the sentence. The procedure for filing a complaint to save oneself from violence is also described as follows: Victims must have the courage to face problems, dare to tell all the problems they have encountered, must not be ashamed or afraid. If this happens, the victim must seek the intervention of those closest to them or seek help from the authorities at the nearest headquarters.
Obligations of the relevant authorities or institutions, with reference to the Law on "Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims", which reads as follows:
The nearest competent authority has the obligation to intervene immediately in the event of domestic or imminent domestic violence to prevent and protect the victim. During the intervention, the competent authority shall make a specific record of the incident and immediately report it to the competent prosecutor in accordance with the principles of the law. Justice and can act as a plaintiff on behalf of the victim in accordance with the criminal procedure in force.
Lessons, solutions and measures were completed to improve the atmosphere. There was also a performance of a Khmer art dance entitled "Women in a Row" performed by a group of girls from the 2 December Orphanage. After watching the dance, the next program is the lesson on "Prevention of Violence" presented by Ms. Chuon Lai before entering the lesson, there is also an educational video related to violence in Family. After watching the video lesson is started, some rules are explained to explain as follows:
Article 45 of the Constitution states that all forms of discrimination against women must be eliminated. Exploitation of women's work is prohibited. Men and women have equal rights in all areas, especially in marriage and family. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
And there will be provisions in the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims in Article 1, which states that this law aims to prevent domestic violence, protect victims and strengthen the culture of non-violence and family harmony in society. Kingdom of Cambodia. This law aims to establish a legal mechanism to prevent domestic violence, protect victims and maintain family harmony in accordance with good national traditions and customs in accordance with Article 45 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, in addition to the legal norms in force. In the past, we all mistakenly thought that violence was a physical attack without thinking that it would happen to any part of our body, but in fact, there are many types of violence. These include physical violence, emotional violence, economic violence, and, most importantly, sexual violence. Therefore, timely and effective prevention is required and the most appropriate measures must be taken to protect the victims or potential victims.
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In this first point, too, it is worth noting the attention and consideration of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, which is based on the spirit of high responsibility for People with Disabilities the Royal Government of Cambodia has set the vision that "People with disabilities and their families have a good quality of life, participate fully and equally in a society with respect for rights and dignity, and have a disability environment in all areas and Development.” There are seven major points: Vision, goal, mission, objective, strategy plan for gender equity.
SAORI Executive Director said that Saori today launched a program on preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities, which aims to prevent all forms of violence. For women and girls with disabilities who are the most vulnerable and vulnerable in our community, these forms of violence come in many forms, which we have from the beginning misunderstood as mere physical beatings. Many aspects of it, as well as the psychological, sexual, and economic aspects of our society, are affected by the sexual abuse that many women, especially women with disabilities and vulnerable girls, experience. In particular, we imagine if he is crippled or deaf, even if he wants to say who the rapist is, he is a criminal, he cannot say, so we see that this is a point of injustice. Or a point where we have to work together to prevent or protect them in the community, so today's workshop is to show that all, regardless of the role of the youth in the orphanage or as in the community. However, we must understand the problem and sometimes people with disabilities cannot help themselves, but we in the community have a plan to help them, and we do not want violence to happen. No, so we created today's program, the Prevention Program, even though violence has not yet occurred, but we integrate the causes of violence, the consequences of violence, and the prevention of violence to achieve the elimination of all forms of violence in the community. Ours to make them live with a smile of equality, equity after the environment in our community, finally thank you.
Ms. Kenny said that the workshop held at Saori today had a very good content related to the Department of Women's Affairs, and the Department of Women's Affairs always supported all the women and children who were affected by the cases. Violence and rape cases that make it difficult for women, so the Department of Women's Affairs is always cooperating, and I think that children with disabilities related to violence are very difficult, especially children with poor memory. We see that he has a problem and the first is related to his mental insufficiency like other children, some of them are disabled and suffer from this violence, I think he suffered very much, that's why Department of Women's Affairs In collaboration with Saori, we dedicate time to helping them find support services, so we came today to teach them who can help them or to provide support services. Well, that to encourage him, we think they are disabled, do not think long, if that happens, they want to kill themselves. So, I think this help will try my best not to think about the results.
Ms. Chhit Sothea said that today I, the President of the 2 December Orphanage in Kampong Chhnang Province, was very happy to be invited by Saori to bring me and bring orphans and children. People with Disabilities from 2 December to Participate in a Workshop on “Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities” That is, there are orphans and people with disabilities, I hope that after this workshop, I hope that his children understand the law about what is called abuse, they will know that if he has a problem. This is who he should turn to for help and it is very important. On this occasion, I am very happy and we will help more so that he understands the issue of violence to make it easier to avoid. Defend themselves, thank you.
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Once again, Ms. Kenny welcomed the entire workshop, as well as all the disabled and distinguished guests with pleasure. She emphasizes the definition of violence, the types of violence, the causes of violence, the effects of violence and interventions, and seeks support partners. She added that the violence was caused by family members exercising power in the family and under the same roof. Violence stems from responsible roles in the family, jealousy, disagreements, and debt. Violence has consequences for the family, such as loss of honor, mental health, and dignity. Thus, violence can intervene from those closest to helping vulnerable people. Mild forms of violence are civil offenses and serious forms are criminal offenses. There are still cases of rape of women in our community. Therefore, today's workshop will show the prevention of violence for women and girls with disabilities who are vulnerable, weak and disabled to achieve equality, equity, living with dignity in the current society. She also encouraged all participants, especially those with disabilities, to study hard to change negative attitudes and eliminate violence in society, and wished the participants good health. Good and avoid Covid-19 together.
Ms. Neou Varen has the same ideas and opinions as Ms. Kenny, while complementing Ms. Chhit Sothea's remarks, she addressed the concerns of the women, youth, young men and women present at the workshop. Listening to lessons and procedures to protect oneself from violence in the future, Ms. Um Amraroth spoke about partners, objectives and the integration of people with disabilities and how to protect the law for the rich.
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Saori held a refresher course on “Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities” in support of the Danch Church and the European Union under Our Voices for Gender Equality on 26 November 2021, chaired by Ms. Khul Nithya, Representative of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Health Department and Ms. Um Amraroth, Executive Director of Saori Organization. Violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms at Saori, with 30 participants, five men and 25 women.
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On this occasion, Ms. Khul Nithya, Director of Health Promotion Division of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Health Department, said that the training course on "Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities" which is organized now is very important and Promote knowledge and skills on building relationships with unity, equity and non-violence to change attitudes and stop all forms of violence, both mental and physical, on women and girls with disabilities. Currently, the increase in cases of rape of women and girls in our community is still not completely eradicated, but requires everyone's attention, so open a refresher course today and show how to prevent violence. On women and girls with disabilities, they are vulnerable, weaker than non-transparent in order to be valid, live equitably, live with dignity in society, taking the opportunity, Ms. Khul Nithya also instructed the participants in the program, try to pay attention, listen and record to remember the future, because these lessons are very important for young people in the future. Not only that, she also attached the last message for you to study hard, because knowledge is a great asset for our lives.
Violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms will be reduced through the establishment of preventive interventions, enhanced responsiveness, increased access to quality services, and multidisciplinary collaboration and coordination.
Increasing the provision of acceptable and appropriate services and facilitating the provision of quality services and responsiveness to the diverse needs of women and girls with all disabilities affected by gender-based violence. Adolescents and young people are becoming more knowledgeable and skilled in promoting and building gender equality, gender equity, and non-violence to change attitudes, behaviors, and practices that respect human rights (including sexual rights, gender equality, and sexual relations). To reduce violence against women through primary prevention and control strategies, with multi-sectoral coordination with relevant departments and institutions focused on key stakeholders and elsewhere to promote positive change.
All participants will spread the knowledge in their respective units. All relevant institutions will increase their attention and commitment to participate in the implementation of violence against women and girls with disabilities as stated in the National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023 in accordance with the Law on the Protection and Promotion of Rights. Disability and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Incheon International Strategy.
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"Sexual Health Awareness" with training by Ms. Khul Nithya and Ms. Um Amraroth in the first lesson taught by Ms. Khul Nithya on "Consultation with Youth" to avoid causing or experiencing youth violence Stay away from places where violence can ensue as soon as possible if you feel threatened and show gestures and words that you really do not want to have sex if someone tries to force you to have sex. Get out of there as soon as possible and seek help if necessary. But if you experience violence or abuse, you need to seek support first, provide information and do the necessary physical examination to avoid getting sick. Especially STIs and HIV. You must refrain from having sex before marriage, especially it is strictly forbidden to have sex under the age of 15 because it is the most dangerous to life and it is illegal. And if you have a sexual predisposition, as a precaution, you need to exercise, avoid watching pornography or pornography, alcohol, drugs, there are many other ways to make us forget. That desire. If a breakthrough allows sexual intercourse to occur, you need to seek treatment to prevent HIV and STIs within 72 hours of the onset of the risk, and to start treatment sooner rather than later. Ms. Khul Nithya also mentioned many factors that cause mental problems for participants to understand the factors that cause mental problems, including:
There are several ways to improve your mental and emotional well-being:
Get enough sleep take time to relax and do something you enjoy, such as listening to music. After studying and understanding the above lesson, Ms. Um Amraroth also gave a presentation on Ms. Khul Nithya in the second lesson related to "Hygiene during menstruation" Ms. Um Amraroth said that now women menstruate on average, 450 times in a lifetime, a total of about 36 to 37 years. However, awareness of menstrual hygiene in Cambodia and elsewhere is still low, as most consider menstruation to be unspoken and inappropriate for open discussion. Lack of knowledge about menstrual hygiene and lack of access to facilities and support services can have a negative impact on education, health and equal participation of women and girls in various sectors of society. Is a consultation before marriage
Providers should provide information to young people about:
1- Sex and sex life: Encourage young people to discuss sexual relations before marriage.
Family planning and fertility gap: Encourage young people to discuss fertility, the number of children they want, the appropriate time to conceive, and contraception if they do not already have children.
Pregnancy, prenatal care, delivery and postpartum care: During pregnancy, women should have at least four prenatal check-ups and give birth at a health facility, including postpartum care.
4- STIs / HIV: Advise and encourage partners about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as blood tests for STIs and HIV before marriage.
5. Dispute Resolution: Instruct young people to consider solutions when conflicts arise, explaining that violence is inhumane and violates human rights, so couples need to mediate and resolve issues within their alliance without violence.
Sex Counseling Providers should advise young people on birth control until they are over 18 years old: 1. Prevent unwanted pregnancies:
You must use birth control if you do not want to get pregnant.
Prevention of sexually transmitted infections: Unprotected sex can lead to sexually transmitted infections, including STIs, hepatitis B, etc. Some STIs are asymptomatic and can be treated with medication.
You need to use birth control if you do not want to have it. Use a condom every time you have sex to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Consultation on contraception and emergency contraception the importance of using modern contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to keep the desired distance from one child to another:
Using modern contraceptives to keep teens free from unwanted pregnancies.
The emergency contraceptive pill is most effective within 72 hours after unprotected sex.
Abortion Consultation
Providers need to inform young people about the effects of unsafe abortion: unsafe abortion can cause uterine rupture, uterine bleeding, and future infertility. Psychological there may be problems or crises in the relationship, there is a need for a lot of consultation and guidance and abortion. Get more treatment for mental illness than most women.
Can drop out of school and face inappropriate behavior from neighbors, face discrimination from family and society IV. Pregnancy, Postpartum and Postpartum Care Counseling Providers must provide young people with information on prenatal, postpartum, and postpartum care:
Inform adolescents to start prenatal check-ups at least four times during pregnancy, to determine if pregnancy is desired or not.
Inform teens to start antenatal check-ups at least four times during pregnancy. Determine whether you want to get pregnant or not. Vaccination advises and support women and families on healthy living, including childbirth care plans Maternal and Newborn Breastfeeding, Nutrition and Birth Control
Introduce potential danger signs during pregnancy:
Bleeding, fainting, severe headache and dizziness, fever and fatigue suggest dangerous signs during pregnancy:
Shortness of breath or fatigue, swelling of the arms, legs and face, abdominal pain
Get out of there as soon as possible if you feel threatened.
Show gestures and words that you really do not want to work
Have sex if someone tries to force you to have sex
Get out of there as soon as possible and seek help if needed.
Accuracy strengthens security and provides support
Provide information and physical examination, emergency protection for pregnancy prevention
And prevent infection, referral to other support services for assistance if needed.
Using a condom properly every time you have sex is the only way to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
Prevention and treatment of HIV and STIs can be done within 72 hours after the onset of the disease, and early treatment is more effective. Drug and alcohol use
Cigarette or tobacco use: Causes plaque on the lips, teeth, finger stains and bad breath. Cigarettes can cause heart disease and cancer.
Alcohol use: Alcohol consumption, even in small amounts, can cause mood disorders, but overuse in a short period of time can damage the nervous system and liver.
Drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, or cocaine can damage the brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs, even if used for short or long periods of time. HIV
Do not smoke, use drugs or alcohol, under pressure from those around you through various images on TV or in advertisements.
Talk to a friend, parent, or someone you trust if you are using it or someone is giving you drugs.
Therefore, young people should avoid the following:
Do not drive if you use alcohol.
There are many different types of mental illness that young people may experience, such as anxiety, stress, depression, schizophrenia, and self-harm.
Factors that cause psychological problems include:
Factors that cause psychological problems include:
Childhood experiences, friendships and romantic relationships such as sexual problems, physical illnesses, abuse, internet use, hormonal imbalances.
Many ways to help with emotional well-being include:
Play sports or exercise Childhood experiences: Chat with friends and family. Get enough sleep. Take time to relax in your favorite activity, such as listening to music.
Eating enough meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits to grow physically and mentally.
And spirit. Therefore, to reduce anemia, young people need to:
Eat foods rich in iron, folic acid, vitamin B12.
Choose foods that are low in fat and sugar, and drink plenty of water, fresh air, and exercise.
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In particular, forget the questions asked to you "How to prevent the occurrence of violence? In addition to answering questions from young people here to prevent violence, we should stay away from alcohol, drugs, be tolerant of each other, listen to all the reasons. At the same time, there are also fun games for young people to play in order to change the atmosphere to be noisier in the program, and in the games that are required. The loser answers the question. She also raises the question, "How to prevent rape"? To avoid the abuse of young people, we need to stay away. From drugs, alcohol, do not stay in a quiet place alone or with a romantic partner, strangers, generally speaking, should not be with people of the opposite sex, do not watch movies or pornography, do not wear shorts or sexy up and down, because these acts are also factors that lead to rape cases.
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After studying and understanding about a series of lessons, the participants also asked questions to the participants. At the same time, with the help of standing in a circle and the need to find words or phrases that are related to the lessons already learned, there was also an active response from the participants, but if Anyone who can't remember is required to sing or dance for them to see.
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October 26, 2021 is the day to conclude this workshop program on "Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities". Ms. Khul Nithya, Head of Health Promotion Division, Kampong Chhnang Provincial Health Department, including Ms. Um Amraroth, Executive Director of Saori Organization, attended the closing ceremony, and she also mentioned some points before and after the program. Her remarks are as follows
Domestic violence refers to the violence that occurs and may occur:
After concluding the speeches of Ms. Khul Nithya and Ms. Um Amraroth, certificates were distributed to all participants.
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Workshop on "Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities" Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, November 10-11, 2021 at "C" Hall, Kampong Chhnang Provincial Hall, organized by Saori Organization, co-organized by Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Women's Affairs, with the support of the Danish Church and the European Union under Our Voice for Gender Equality Project, chaired by Mr. Khem Channoeun, Deputy Director of Administration, Kampong Chhnang Provincial Hall Of the Board of Governors of Kampong Chhnang Province and Lok Chumteav Tong Nary, Member of Provincial Council and Chairman of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Committee for Women and Children (CCHR).
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Mr. Khem Channoeun, Deputy Director of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Administration, said that the workshop on the prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities is very important and has raised awareness on building relationships. With solidarity, equality and non-violence to change attitudes, stop all activities that are both psychological and physical violence against women and girls with disabilities, not only Mr. Khem Channoeun confirmed that currently the increase in cases of abuse of women in our community, it has not yet been completely eradicated, but it requires the attention of all, so today's workshop will focus on preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities, who are vulnerable. Victims are weaker than non-transparent in order to achieve equity, live with dignity in society. Taking the opportunity, Mr. Khem Channoeun also highlighted the key points in the "Disability Strategic Plan 2019 ~ 2023" is to show Regarding the spirit of high responsibility for people with disabilities, the Royal Government sets out the vision that people with disabilities and their families have a good quality of life, actively participate fully and equally in a society with respect for rights and dignity, and There is a disability environment in all areas and development, which shows the high attention of Samdech Techo Prime Minister to people with disabilities. It is suggested that all participants participate in discussions, draw on experiences and find ways to participate in preventing violence against women and children with disabilities in our society.
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The objectives of the workshop were: Violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms will be reduced through the establishment of preventive interventions, improved responsiveness, improved access to quality services and collaboration; and multi-sectoral coordination.
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1. Participants will understand: Increasing the provision of acceptable and appropriate services and facilitation in providing quality services and responding to the different needs of women and girls with disabilities; Gender-related violence.
Adolescents and young people are becoming more knowledgeable and skilled in promoting and building gender equality, gender equity, and non-violence to change attitudes, behaviors, and practices that respect human rights (including sexual rights, gender equality, and sexual relations). To reduce violence against women through primary prevention and control strategies with multi-sectoral coordination with key stakeholders and institutions and elsewhere to promote positive change.
All participants will spread the knowledge in their respective units. All relevant institutions and increase attention and commitment to participate in the implementation of violence against women and girls with disabilities, as specified in the National Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023 to comply with the Law on the Protection and Promotion of Rights Disability and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Incheon International Strategy.
Violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms will be reduced through increased prevention interventions, improved responsiveness, improved access to quality services, and multidisciplinary collaboration and coordination.
The three main strategies are: Strategy 1: Legal protection and multidisciplinary services Strategy 2: Education and youth with disabilities Strategy 3: Prevention and control
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Disability refers to a physical or mental disorder or systemic disorder. Violence is any activity that affects the physical and emotional well-being of an individual, participants said. Gender equality refers to the cessation of violence against women and children, the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Children, and the promotion of women to five percent employment in the Ministry of Labor.
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The director asked the participants to present the four forms of violence encountered in their respective institutions. Ms. Phan Samphors, First Deputy Chief of Kampong Chhnang Province, there are forty-four forms of violence: physical, mental, sexual, economic, physical violence is physical violence, slapping, kicking, bruising or breaking. Psychological is discrimination, insult, disrespect, sexual harassment, coercion, sexual harassment, coercion or economic rape, unequal bonuses, no livelihood, stealing money.
Ms. Yin Chenda from Kampong Chhnang Provincial Planning Department plans to integrate gender into various training courses, such as encouraging women to participate in capacity building. Increase courage, increase self-confidence, read information. My experience is that violence against women and girls is related to mothers who have new fathers, and new fathers who beat their stepchildren until they have intellectual problems (speaking back and forth) and have to beg and live. With the old grandmother was sick and living in poverty.
Mrs. Phin Phalla, Deputy Director of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Women's Affairs
Violence against women and girls of the four types of physical violence, there are siblings who come to the service and are physically abused by their husbands. Mental violence is caused by the husband having a wife outside the house, drinking alcohol, meeting friends late at night before entering the house, spending too much money.
Economic violence, the budget package is called by the husband to hold his own money, when the woman wants to spend something, the husband complains a lot. Sexual violence When a woman feels unwell, sick, and has not given birth for three to five months, her husband asks her to have sex.
- Rape of women and girls is common in the past. Ms. Toch Horn, Kampong Chhnang Provincial Police Representative, said that the four types of violence were caused by alcohol
Drugs, pornography, poverty and ignorance, etc. Mrs. Chhit Sothea, President of Pi Thnou Orphanage, Kampong Chhnang Province the four types of violence include: Physical violence: Children who come to beg at orphanages are often abandoned by their parents, children living with others, beaten, forced to work until they lose consciousness Sexually, an orphan was raped by his cousin at the age of eight and abandoned by his mother until the government took him to a center. Psychologically, there are many people whose parents and aunts are forced to work and not to study. Economic Road In general, almost all the children living in his center suffered all kinds of hardships, the association was unable to help and protect, so they decided to receive care services from the orphanage, poverty, ignorance, alcohol, drugs, adultery.
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Ms. Neou Varen, Representative of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Women's Affairs, revealed that there are four types of violence. Psychological violence with women drinking, physical violence with a sexual violence, drug and alcohol disagreements, economic violence: Husbands take money, drink alcohol and buy drugs.
Ms. Som Sileng from Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Social Affairs added that currently, my department has helped to deal with many children who have been abused. Women outside the house make him unhappy, feel physically frustrated, some women are also beaten by their husbands. Rs. Rom Srey Leakna, the four types of violence such as Physical violence is related to the use of violence by beating the body, spouses, children, and the cause is due to alcohol use, drug use, illiteracy, sexual violence involves cases of rape of two people in the family, such as father raping children, siblings raping siblings, economic violence involving breaking up or providing daily expenses.
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Mr. Un Sinath from the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Information Department The most common form of violence is emotional work that occurs through criticism, discouragement, roles and values, indifference or social gaps. Violence, sexual abuse that affects the body, the use of obscene words and pictures, writing pornographic words on a computer, or adding pornographic images to a group.Ms. Chhim Nimol, Representative of the Department of Labor, would like to report on the violence of the Discrimination Unit in the role of women, discrimination in women in decision-making, lack of confidence in the assignment or other roles, less attention. Encourage women by encouraging them when they do better than men in the office. During the annual Women's Day, support should be provided through funding or outreach. Women should be encouraged to visit. But despite the many negative points above, as the President of the Women's Association for Development of the unit, I always support them in all forms that occur.
After having lunch at their respective homes, at 1:00 pm, the arrival of the ladies, interns and youth volunteers will gradually arrive and will be attended. Sit at their respective tables at 2:00, the program began, there was also a question to ask you in the program. In what forms can violence against women and girls with disabilities occur?
Also, there are individual comments to the program to participate in new ideas will be a good understanding in this program.Ms. Khul Nithya, a representative of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Health Department, said:
- Violence against women and girls with disabilities may occur in the form physical harm can lead to
trauma, emotional trauma, sexual and emotional abuse, and emotional and psychological distress. MS. Neou Nimol, a representative from the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Education, commented that the violence in the form of physical is beating, mental is insulting’s is sexual abuse, the economic road is not providing enough funds girls with disabilities, physical beatings from adults and children, as well as malnutrition’s is rape, pain, fear, affecting the mind
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Ms. Chhim Nimol added Disrespect for women and girls with disabilities is also violence. Lack of support for women and girls with disabilities, disenfranchisement, and participation in society also indicate violence. Blocking rights and expressions does not give them the opportunity to learn knowledge and skills is also violence. Disqualification of access to health services is violence, each institution, some compensation institutions do not consider toilets. Sanitation or safety ramps for people with disabilities. Disappointing women and girls with disabilities the story of society.
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"Coordination and liaison between relevant departments, service providers and civil society at the provincial and district levels." He said that his institution has often encountered cases of violence, and the institution has instructed the victims to seek legal help to find justice, and not only that, his institution. The victim reserves the right not to advertise the house where the victim is hiding because to prevent or protect the victim for fear of further abuse. Ms. Nimol said that education is a duty. Most importantly, if they are educated from an early age, they should be aware of how to protect themselves and prevent violence and avoid violence, not drugs, alcohol, please meditate in the program. Studying is good for the mind. Ms. Khul Nithya at her institution reserves the right to victimize victims of rape and has an explanation to their guardians about care. Encourage them because they are emotionally traumatized and take care of their health.
Ms. Chhit Sothea says that in her district, there is one child victim who has been abused, abandoned by her parents, and what is even more tragic is that they are disabled and abandoned. I also accepted them to stay in our center and there will be educational training and sports will be played to make them forget about alcohol and drugs, something special is forgotten. Because their age is a growing age, so the feeling of wanting to have sex is the same, so their age, we have to be very careful, because if something happens, it is only a loss. Only because they think that the victim has been abused and the perpetrator is also imprisoned, ask if we gain or lose these resources, so we need to have an explanation and guide them to understand more clearly. On these issues, the second day of workshops started again in a sequential manner.
Exploring the "National Disability Strategic Plan 2019~2023" presented by Ms. Chuon Lay, an intern at Saori to the workshop.
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The first point is to note the care and consideration of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, which has the following content, based on the spirit of high responsibility for people with disabilities, the Royal Government of Cambodia. Defined the vision is "People with disabilities and their families have a good quality of life, actively participate fully, equally in a society with respect for rights and dignity, as well as a multi-sectoral disability environment and seven development points." The major ones are:
• Vision, mission, objectives, goals, strategic plans, strategic directions, ensuring gender equality and methods.
Ms. Chhit Sothea's remarks on various ways to prevent violence include:
Educate them to understand the causes and dangers of all forms of violence.
Inform the penalties arising from the use of illegal activities.
Indicate the consequences or dangers that lead to the use of violence.
Explain and care for them to understand the physical growth, age change of boys and girls living in the center, how to protect themselves.
Explain the challenges of using drugs and alcohol as a cause of violence.
- Bring them fun to reduce the stress of children growing up.
To create agricultural activities, arts or other occupations to earn income, increase livelihood or keep him active (busy). Mr. Un Sinath spoke about ways to prevent violence among young people and young people with disabilities:
- Promoting the dissemination of violence against persons with disabilities by all means
- Strengthen law enforcement to prevent and cause violence against young people with disabilities
- Organize workshops or trainings on all forms of violence
Orientation to vulnerable youth about methods or means and stakeholders that can intervene and keep them safe
- Integrate the content of violence through education and religious activities.
Remarks by Ms. Khul Nithya to prevent violence among youth and youth with disabilities, we need to have the following methods:
Prepare documents to be included in the curriculum from primary to secondary school.
Increase awareness through regular meetings, forums, training courses or workshops from the national to sub-national levels, especially at the local level.
- Encourage local monitoring (capacity building through villages, communes, districts)
- Increase communication, be ready to explore sources of donations to promote the above activities
- Develop a strategic plan to implement activities to achieve goals
- Organize this working committee to approve the activities to reach thousands of institutions.
Ms. Yin Chenda's remarks to prevent violence among young people with disabilities are as follows:
~ Educate about the effects of violence, both physical, mental and economic
Integrate into classroom education about violence and discrimination against people with disabilities
Reach out to local authorities to strengthen their outreach to their locality through the micro-village meeting and to their homes
~ Encourage them to have the courage to participate in various training courses
~ Explain our culture and traditions in adulthood (what to avoid and what to accept)
Ms. Chey Sethary's opinion on preventing violence among young people with disabilities is as follows:
Disseminate laws related to violence to youth and youth with disabilities through the education system.
~ Promote the use of technology by adding to social media to share on. Prevention and response to violence against youth and youth and disability.
Ensure adequate psychological support and social services.
~ Improve services to respond to the specific needs of victims of violence.
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Ms. Nou Nimol said that in order to prevent violence among young people, young people with disabilities are as follows:
~ Integrate the program on the promotion of youth with disabilities into the general education curriculum for higher education, establish a youth club for the disabled, an arts and sports club.
Incorporate meditation programs into the curriculum to promote living and educating young people about environmental work. Strengthen discipline, morality, ethics and equity for young people. Promote special enrollment in kindergarten and study at least until the ninth grade.
~ Vocational training for young people.
Non-violence education must start from the family and kindergarten to higher education. Ms. Nou Varen'sremarks to prevent violence among young people with disabilities are as follows: Measures must be taken to prevent and disseminate information on prevention and protection of vulnerable people such as women, children and the disabled. Encourage villages, communes, districts to understand the law, protect the disabled and encourage them.
~ We need to disseminate the law to the community so that people understand the difficulties of people with disabilities.
~ Give them the opportunity to participate in every activity they can.
When they encounter problems, stakeholders must resolve them in a timely manner. Take care to strengthen their ability to be brave. Let them understand the law and prevent him from doing something wrong to the youth.
Ms. Toch Horn to prevent violence among young people and young people with disabilities as we have the following methods:
The law must be disseminated in schools and communities.
~ On TV, on the system and on Facebook.
Ms. Rom Srey Leakena to prevent violence among young people with the following disabilities:
Disseminate the law or punishment that they committed through the meeting in the unit to be disseminated in the district network.
When there is a problem, find justice for them.Ms. Chhim Nimol to prevent violence among young people with the following disabilities:
~ Have them form a network to get up-to-date information on someone.
If he has a phone, try to get them to record clearly and prevent any incidents.
~ Must be organized as a community for the administration to receive legal information.
Be as careful as possible about their disability.
After studying the effects of violence, Saori plans to launch a program called the “Project to Investigate Cases of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities” to learn more about the various departments that Relevant in the coming 2022. We hope that this project will be of mutual benefit to women and girls with disabilities living in Kampong Chhnang province.
A. What knowledge and interest did you gain in this short workshop program?
Mr. Un Sinath, Representative of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Information Department, said:
Understand the Strategic Plan on Disability 2019-2023, recognize the values of women and children with disabilities, share love with children with disabilities in the workshop, and experience on violence and gender equality between participants and participants. Kampong Chhnang said that ÷ received a lot of information related to the use of violence against women and girls, sharing from relevant departments regarding measures to address violence against women and children.
Increase knowledge in the work, increase the capacity of the owners of their institutions and social work, strengthen and promote the ability to work better in society, family, work and our society as a whole. Understand the feelings of people with disabilities, they do not have the courage No, get to experience each other, get from what we do not do.
Understand the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, have a strong interest in Saori, which focuses on women, children, and people with disabilities. Very interested in Saori, which focuses on the role of women with disabilities and girls affected by access to services, equality, equity and opportunities like the general population. Understand how to prevent violence against women and children with disabilities. In relation to other cases that occur in women and children with disabilities, we provide solutions with some understanding of the training. Understand the consequences of violence for families and society, gain knowledge about violence against women and girls with disabilities, get to know the causes of violence. This workshop gave me a better understanding of how to prevent violence against women. And girls with disabilities and about the quality of life of people with disabilities. There is support from the relevant authorities.
B. How do you understand the speakers' explanations and presentations?
Ms. Yin Chenda, Representative of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Department of Planning, said:
~ Explanation and presentation are good, communicative, intertwined and detailed
~ Have a good attitude, respect each other, value each other
Good coordination of both hospitality techniques.
Coordinating the speaker's presentation well, explaining in detail all forms of violence and preventing the context of the four primary forms of violence: physical, emotional, and emotional.
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Ms. Um Amraroth, Executive Director of SAORI, said that the workshop was aimed at reducing violence against women and girls with disabilities in all its forms through prevention, better response, and increased access. Quality services and collaboration enhance multi-sectoral interventions and coordination. To meet the different needs of women and girls with disabilities, all victims of gender-based violence.
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Lok Chumteav Tong Nary Presides Over the Closing Ceremony of the Workshop on "Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities" in Kampong Chhnang Province on Thursday afternoon, November 11, 2021. Women and Girls with Disabilities "was closed under the chairmanship of Lok Chumteav Tong Nary, Provincial Councilor and Chairperson of the Women and Children Advisory Committee, with the participation of relevant departments and units around SAORI. You have a disability, the workshop after two days, on November 10-11, 2021.
Ms. Tong Nary closed the workshop today, saying that the workshop on "Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities" is very important and will provide knowledge and skills on relationship building. Gender equality, equality and non-violence to change attitudes, behaviors, stop all activities that are violent, both mental and physical, against women and girls with disabilities.
Her Excellency Tong Nary called on all people through this workshop to work together to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities, who are vulnerable, weak and disabled to get equality, equity, living happily in the family, community and society.
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LokChumteay Tong Nary, provincial Councilor and chairperson of the Women children Advisory Committee, MS Um Amraroth Executive Director of SAORI, attended the closing ceremony with the following contents:
-Spouses, children, dependents, live under the same roof and in the family. Impact on life, physical integrity.
-Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
-Sexual advancement
In addition, MS. Tong Nary closed the workshop by saying on “Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities’ very important and will provide knowledge and skills on relationship building, Gender equality and non-violence to change attitudes, behaviors, stop all activities that are violent, both physical, against women and girls with disabilities.
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Key stakeholders have the capacity to provide quality and essential services to victims of violence against women, including the Gender Working Group and relevant institutions, Department of Justice, Department of Labor and Vocational Training, Department of Women's Affairs, Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Department of Planning Health, Department of Social Affairs, Provincial Police Commissioner, Provincial Gendarmerie, relevant partners and civil society organizations, as well as Saori.
1. Preventive interventions are implemented with adolescents and young people, both internally and externally.
2. Number of adolescents and young people trained both inside and outside the system (15 to 25 years old).
Positive exchange of participants, both internal and external, on knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to sexual rights, gender equality, and comfortable communication.
3. Primary prevention messages and strategies, including education for youth, families and children, communities and workplaces, are established and disseminated.
4. Coordinating mechanisms for the prevention of violence against women of all forms are in place for the planning and implementation of prevention strategies. Gender Equality in Water and Sanitation
Workshop on "Gender Equality in Water and Sanitation" for Women and Girls with Disabilities (SAORI) Sponsored by Water Aid, organized for 2 days online and at Sovannaphum Hotel.
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Overall Objective: To increase gender participation in the water and sanitation sector for women and people with disabilities (vulnerable people, women in decision-making in the water and sanitation sector). Intimate partner violence (domestic violence) is declining Source: The Cambodian Population and Health Survey (CDHS) will incorporate the CDHS methodology of women's health research and experience. Increasingly, Cambodians are dissatisfied with violence against women and children (Source: Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey). And improve hygiene.
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After this workshop, we hope to processes / mechanisms to prevent and prevent violence against women and girls in all its forms. There are processes for planning and implementing prevention strategies. A comprehensive coordination process to prevent prevention has been developed to include high-risk, vulnerable women. People with disabilities understand the supply of clean water and sanitation, especially toilets, which meet their basic needs in daily life.
- All relevant institutions will increase their attention and commitment to participate in the implementation of the guidelines on water supply and sanitation for the disabled and the elderly to support the implementation and commitment included in the plan. National strategy on rural water supply and sanitation to comply with the Law on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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Kampong Chhnang Sangkat has paid close attention to the prevention of violence in the community and after attending a workshop with Saori, Ms. Phan Samphors took the banner which embedded the propaganda of the punishment of violence in the community. Teacher presents at Kampong Chhnang Sangkat Hall.
Despite the 19 David Crisis, which has caused difficulties, losses and impediments to the training process, Saori continues to relentlessly seek innovative ways to use digital communication through telephones, laptops and meetings. This is the first time we have filled out an application form via Google Form, then received a live interview through a social network from a professional official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Women. Later, we were successful as candidates who can enroll in the course "Digital Knowledge and Finance" with other women entrepreneurs in the provinces and Phnom Penh.
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Through social media sharing, Saori has competed in the Cambodia Now-Us Award ”organized by Imapct Hub Phnom Penh and supported by Voice Cambodia with the participation of a number of NGOs and informal groups. 10 in Cambodia, through the application, interview, 3 weeks of training and hard competition to win the second place is $ 15,000 (fifteen thousand US dollars), which will implement the project. Named "Promoting Gender Equality and the Capacity of Women with Disabilities", the project will be implemented at Saori Organization in Kampong Chhnang Province. Gender equality remains a key factor in promoting equitable development. Help women with disabilities in the field of gender.
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The media is very important to spread the word. Thank you to the life News Entertainment for helping to spread the word to local and foreign philanthropists in seeking material, financial and technical assistance to continue vocational training. To people with disabilities during the crisis of the Covid 19 epidemic. |
During the Covid Crisis 19, Saori visited women with disabilities in the community to find out more about the hardships and solutions that arise. In addition, we helped to compile a list of people with disabilities in the community. Located near Saori, which did not receive the 19 Covid vaccines, they agreed with the incentive to face the problem.
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Since then, SAORI has been in contact with Mok Augustine, Director of the Community Cultural Development Center (CCCD), which was established in 2004. Its mission and mission are to promote and implement community cultural development. Authority for the poor. In particular, the disabled, migrant workers and ethnic minorities will promote cultural diversity in the face of the onslaught of the same forces of globalization. In November 2006, CCCD became a Hong Kong-registered charity, and donations to CCCD became tax deductible. In addition, CCCD has partnered strategically with the Asian People's Festival Association, which was established in the 1990s to promote community cultural development. The Cultural Development Cooperation Center was established in 2004 with Mok Augustine as its director. Execute the purpose and mission of the Center is to promote and develop community culture, for example through cultural activities that can empower.
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Mok Augustine, President of CCCD, was in touch with SAORI HIROBA in Japan in Osaka with the establishment of SAORI Mini HIROBA in Hong Kong. Countries in Asia are also increasingly important: Saori is being contacted by CCCD to attend the first Saori weaving workshop and order to Hong Kong for $ 392.41 to exhibit. Sold with other products for people with disabilities” in Asia.
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(Second order)
The difficulty we have encountered is that people with disabilities can produce Saori products, but they do not have the quality and beautiful yarn to operate this loom. The solution to the above problem is that we need $ 1,000 to order yarn to supply weaving as soon as possible, then start weaving in response to CCCD orders in early November 2021 to keep up with the exhibition Hong Kong.
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The two-day International Press Conference, we had a very fruitful discussion. We talked about how epidemics led to loneliness, first and then the reflection and use of modern technologies such as the Internet to build international relations and cooperation. We reaffirm our commitment to unity among ourselves as artists and with those who are suffering under diversity of wealth and globalization under capitalism. We said we would be committed to our memories and imagine a better world through our creativity. We talked about the need to learn IT or non-IT connected technology to facilitate the realization of not only artwork or education, but also Resilience and mental health. We talked about a new common denominator that requires our definition - we must move towards a sustainable world and reject the skepticism of stagnant economic growth and the exploitation of nature that has plagued us. From the first epidemic. Yesterday we talked about hope and how the epidemic has put us away from the better world we all dreamed of. And today we will share our knowledge together on how we make our theater move forward. Without further ado, we will begin to change. This is the first opportunity for Saori to become the first international speaker.
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People with disabilities will be able to start working as weavers and designers again after the devastation of the 19-year-old Covid crisis. They can develop their skills step by step and get quality products to enhance their reputation. Of people with disabilities from the sub-national level to the international level. In addition, strengthening relations with CCCD and other countries in the world. We are confident that Saori weavers will be able to alleviate poverty by encouraging their participation in society through increased human resource capacity. Weaving techniques, support from all walks of life, the training process continues its activities to attract the presence of other people with disabilities to participate more. Mok Augustine For posting pictures of Saori products that are backed by CCCD, now there is an exhibition with SAORI products at SAORI Mini HIROBA.
We are very excited and proud to see the handicraft products of people with disabilities present on the international stage. We will all strive to strengthen both quality and value further. Thanks for the valuable and important communication.
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SAORI joins the official signing committee of the Operational Coordinating Committee for Cambodia and the Kampong Chhnang Provincial NGO Coordinating Network, Phase 2, Strengthening Civil Society for Democratic and Sustainable Development at the Phnom Neang Kangri Association in Kampong Chhnang.
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Please be informed that due to the Covid 19 pandemic, Saori has not received almost 80% of the external assistance, which has almost reached a critical stage. SAORI, which provides professional income to increase income in the family and community. The amount of money needed to buy yarn and weaving materials is $ 5,000. I would like to urge local and foreign people and philanthropists to help. To those with disabilities at Saori, please share. With the utmost respect and gratitude. |
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SAORI attended the official signing ceremony of the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia and the Kampong Chhnang Provincial NGO Coordinating Network. Phase 2: Strengthening Civil Society for Democratic and Sustainable Development in Cambodia at Phnom Neang Kangri Association. |
Kampong Chhnang Orphanage we met with Ms. Chhit Sontha, President of 2 Thnou Orphanage, 2 Thnou Historical Resort, Kampong Chhnang Province to consult on opportunities, possibilities and other cooperation activities for vocational training for people with disabilities through Hand weaving. In the new year, the orphanage has a new face, a new relationship with the development has progressed admirably. | ![]() |
The Independent Living Life Center (PPCIL) annual tour to encourage staff who have completed one year of work in Kampong Chhnang in 2020. This is the first time for Saori to welcome the concept. PPCIL's workshops also include presentations on vocational training: through Saori hand weaving, fundraising, and support for the production of products for people with disabilities. Two-day trip to the main resort areas, such as: 1. Take a boat around the island to see the scenery, breathe the fresh air on the Tonle Sap. 2. Natural resort, waterfall, rock bath, cool from nature, see the beauty of the forest, mountains, consult and eat delicious food. 3. Visit and learn how to make pots, buy souvenirs and pottery in Andong Russey village. 4. Eat food, see the view of the rice fields in front of Phnom Neag Kangri.
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We would like to thank Mr. Ny Nhor the Deputy Director of the Department of Mine Action for the Disabled, who is also a member of the SAORI Board of Trustees, for his continued support, encouragement, and comment. Which is the work of people with disabilities, creative as a memento of his team as well.
During the 19-Covid Crisis, Saori faced a shortage of funds to support the weaving process, such as funding for the disabled and supplies for krama weaving, as well as the production of various products.
Through the coordination of the Independent Life Center in Phnom Penh, we have prepared a project proposal entitled "Improving the Living Standards of People with Disabilities through Saori Handicraft" with a request for $ 5,000 (five Thousand dollars). The Partner Independence Living Center and the Mainstream Association. Mr. Takashi Chimura, President of the Partner Independence Living Center, facilitated the first meeting through a focus system. The main points are as follows: - "Improving the standard of living of people with disabilities through hand weaving Saori The project period is 5 months, starting from January to May 2022 at SAORI, intends to visit SAORI again after COVID 19 recovers in 2022. After the project is completed, Kadota, the president of the Mainstream Association, intends to submit a report to JICA for additional assistance, as well as to apply for a Kusaneno grant. Project Completed:
1. When this project is completed, how can we continue the SAORI project?
- The Executive Director continues to contribute to the project in terms of knowledge, budget and materials.
The income from the sale of SAORI products of people with disabilities can still support them, even if it is not enough.
- Prepare project proposals to potential local and international donors. Advocate for the support of the government and all relevant institutions. Increase network connectivity with SAORI Japan, Thailand and Asia.
Create local and international markets.
2. If funding is available, can all SAORI trainees attend the training again?
- Most of them will be able to participate in vocational training as planned.
3. Can all employees agree to work with us if the project is completed after we run out of money for two to three months?
- 50% of employees can still work as volunteers with Saori.
4. Can all students get full skills after 5 months?
Weaving students can do this because some students attend the training as before on a regular basis. As a result, we received a grant of $ 5,000 (five thousand dollars) for the implementation of the project in 2022.
SAORI will continue to receive donations from philanthropists to provide more support to people with disabilities. Provide a lot of help with weaving threads as well as weaving tools for people with disabilities to continue their training.
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(Wheelchairs Donate to SAORI Organization ) |
Home A 252 Kandal Village Kampong Chhnang Commune /District /Province Cambodia
SAORI Organization
092 656 859
(855)92 656 859/87 555 606
Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities
Gender in Wash
Financial Report 2021
On behalf of the people with disabilities, guardians and beneficiaries of our program, SAORI would like to thank all the donors for their support this year and past. Material and financial support enables Saori to provide meaningful services to beneficiaries. Thank you!