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Joining in “Article 25 2015 Global Vote” movement

Dear colleagues,

Please pay attention to information below, which I hope you will be interested in (available in Russian and English). It will be wonderful if you can share this information with your partners and friends!

The name of the movement refers to Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document signed by world leaders at the United Nations stating that all people have the right to medical care and necessary social services. This right is also stated in UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, it is strongly violated. For example: “More than 400 million people have died of preventable global health inequities over the last 25 years,” said Amee Amin, Article 25’s Co-Founder and Campaign Director, “that’s more deaths than caused by even the largest wars in history. What we face is a global health crisis that needs a global movement to fix it.” Accordingly, we are collecting votes in support of the Right to health (Article 25).

The “Article 25 Global Vote” website is open now. You can vote online:


n this form, there is a section at the very end you can write your suggestions.

The organization I belong to, the NGO "Association of Parents of Disabled Children” (APDC), actively participates in the campaign "Article 25." Below, I would like to introduce our event:

Vote partners are organizational and institutional partners that are responsible for collecting offline and online votes during the voting period, as well as hosting informal discussion for people to understand more about the campaign options presented on the ballot. Vote partners will receive data-analysis of the voting outcomes unique to anyone who voted through that participating organization/institution.

1) I have translated Article 25 Vote Ballot from English to Russian languages.

2) I shared information with partners, friends, colleagues, networks etc.

I have organized the round table information-sharing meeting (photo below) have put bulletins – unfortunately they were only in Russian, however with photos.

On October 22nd, 2014, the Association of Parents of Disabled Children (APDC) had the event at #184 Akhunbaeva and Chapaeva Street in the Daily Center of the APDC in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek was joining hundreds of communities across the globe for the worldwide day of action demanding the right to health https://join25.org/oct25/

The Association of Parents of Disabled Children (APDC) represented the Kyrgyz Republic and demonstrated the activity of the organization in joining in the Global Day of Action being coordinated by Article 25.

The action we took was a round table discussion about the right to health for children with disabilities and their families. The APDC organized the action and Mr. Kudaibergen Bazarbaev represented the Ministry of Social Development. Mass media, parents, children with disabilities, youth and other interested people were invited to attend.

The participants discussed necessity to include health as a priority in the “post 2015” and in the every member state of the UN, including the Kyrgyz Republic. Likewise, the importance is to create an effective mechanism to achieve accessible and quality medical services for children with disabilities and their families, especially parents and respecting mother caring. The reason is that taking care of children with disabilities – especially those with multiple disabilities – is always difficult and can damage health of their mothers or members of the family who look after the child.

Finally, it is important to create international and national cooperation among different stakeholders as state bodies, International organizations, business, NGOs and other people to solve the global health inequities and to establish a way and opportunity to every people especially to children, people with disabilities and their families.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and voice for right to health for everybody!

Best regards,

Seinep Dyikanbaeva
Former Duskin trainee and Lawyer of the Association of parents of disabled children (APDC)

Office APDC, Bishkek City, Microdistrict # 1Kok -Jar # 4 semibasement , near "Stimul" shop tel / fax +996 0312 517634, 0555407709 Daily Center for children with disabilities +996 0312 88 02 45 ardi.kyrgyzstan@gmail.com, www.kelechek.kg

More information about the Article 25 movement in English can be found here:




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