Narrative Report
Independent Living Center Kathmandu (CIL-Kathmandu) Nepal
Month of May 2017
Independent Living Center Kathmandu is running IL activities with the support of Mainstream Association Japan, Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare, JIL, AMDA project, JICA Okinawa along with Iruka NPO and local government of Nepal. CIL is working hard in promoting and establishing the concept of independent in Nepal. The current activities carried out during month of May 2017 are as follows:
Independent Living Center for persons with disabilities, CIL Kathmandu organized PA (personal attended) training on 18th of May and 23rd of May 2017. We divided the training into 3 sessions which were theoretical, practical and mobilization. First of all we oriented them in a mass and selected them for the PA training by their interest. One day was not enough to orient and develop skills. Therefore the CIL-Kathmandu made plan and divided into 2 days training for different students and trained them by 4 different trainer who already had years of experience of PA and other persons with disabilities so they can be motivated. The three sessions are as below:
Theoretical secession was the 1st phase training given to the interns. In which we explained about the detail about PA. In which experienced personal attendant Mr Josh DC, Mr. Sadan Pandit, Miss Dilu limbu and Miss Rebika Basnet and persons with disabilities shared their own perspectives. Here are the given things which we explained about PA:
Practical secession was 2nd phase training given to the interns. In which we trained them the basic things in practical way. Our trainer Mr. Josh Dc, Mr Sadan Pandit, Miss Dilu limbu and Miss Rebika Basnet taught them in a very detail Way . We trained them by picking them one by one so they can be perfect. Here are the given things which we explained about PA in Practical :
Mobilizing secession was the 3rd phase of the training in which we will mobilize the trainee to the different persons with disabilities house for the live practical. We select persons with disabilities houses and trainee in team after that we will mobilize them and we also provided them Intern code of conduct for personal attendant program.
CIL-Kathmandu has prepared a schedule that has prescribed about what, when, where and how Personal Attendants will be mobilize in a good way. we will teach them live that how to shift, how to toilet, how to be comfortable and other basic PA service.
Independent living center for persons with disabilities, CIL-kathmandu organized barrier free check in green bus and after that the meeting with Sajha Transportation Company about the barrier free check in detail.
Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities, CIL-Kathmandu has conducted barrier check at Sajha Yatayat (Green Bus) on 9th May 2017 which is local transportation of Kathmandu. CIL -Kathmandu mobilized persons with disabilities to check the condition of Sajha Bus as they already declared that Sajha Bus is accessible for wheelchair users and old age people. The green bus has accommodated the space inside so that two wheelchair users can travel but there was no seat arrangement for old age people, crutches users, persons having visual impairment. Though it is lacking perfection yet we are happy to receive service from Green Bus with some initiation in Kathmandu. Because of its initiation we are dreaming for the change in other local buses as well.
Our Finding :
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Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities, CIL-Kathmandu has conducted an interactive meeting with the Executive Officer Mr. Mahendra Raj Pandey of Sajha Yatayat on 21st May 2017. The meeting was able to sensitize genuine issue of persons with disability in which we requested them to make fully accessible Green Bus and also handed an appeal letter. We also discussed about the findings of barrier check campaign that CIL conducted on 9th May 2017 by travelling on wheelchair. We talked about the attitude of staff, slope and other things in detail. The context of appeal letter is given below:
Mr Mahendra Raj Pandey, Executive Director was really positive about the issues and committed to change according to our accessibility guideline and universal design in future.
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CIL Kathmandu has been organizing Barrier Free Campaign in different 20 districts to get accessibility guideline 2013 implemented from local government offices, public places, shopping centers, schools, transportation, health service providing sectors etc. CIL-Kathmandu directly involved for accelerating barrier free campaign in Nawalparasi and Rupandehi districts on 21st may and 22 may 2017. More than 60 persons with disabilities with their assistive devices and Personal Attendants reached the premise of 5 different local government offices such as District Administration office, District Women and children office, Education office and Ram Gram Municipality office at Parasi, Butwal and Bhairahawa. They handed an appeal letters to officials of these ministers demanding for the accessible public infrastructures in local level as well as in National level.
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Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities, Kathmandu along with Independent Living Center Rupendhi created a interactive meeting in Laxmi Nagar in which we shared about the Independent living concept with persons with disabilities, Board member of IL Center Rupendhi. We talked about their daily living work, Social issues, roads, reconstructions things, and other issues about the persons with disabilities. Our Secretary General Mrs Jamuna Subedi also talked about history of independent living concept, its importance to make inclusive society and our role to correct mistakes in our society. Similarly, Treasurer Ms. Devi Acharya shared about activities of CIL Kathmandu and inspired team of CIL-Rupandehi to be strong so that mission of CIL can be achieved in local areas.
Name list of participants in the meeting:
IL Center Rupendhi was also very positive and committed that they will also do the strong advocacy with the local government for accessible environment, support peers and conduct awareness campaign in local area. AMDA Nepal supported CIL-Kathmandu to provide health caring aids to persons with disabilities living in Parasi and Rupandehi Districts.
Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities, Kathmandu went for home visit in Butwal on 20th June 2017. We visited Mr shankar and Mrs Bandana Dumre. They were the beneficiaries of the ILP program so we visited them for the reason that if they are developing or not. In thi9s way we finalize that they are motivated by the iILP program as they are doing their own work just like daily living. We visited Shankar ji and find out that he is developing ramp in his house and he is also in the process of making disable friendly toilet which is really appreciative. Mrs Sindha is also doing very well after participation of the ILP program. She made her house disable friendly and doing her own work like freely. Her husband is also very supportive so she is living a happy life after the ILP program. The home visit and Peer counseling helped to heal depression, hesitation and shyness of our peers in local areas. Besides, it created awareness to neighbors and community people regarding disability issue. Our Visit to AMDA hospital helped us to know their services and technology for medical cure. We had an opportunity to talk about disability, pregnancy and needs that should be adopted to provide medical care to women with disability specially who is going through regular check up and giving birth to child.
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CIL-Kathmandu and AMDA project jointly visited Sidhartha Maternity Hopistal on 22nd May 2017.Our Visit to AMDA hospital helped us to know their services and technology for medical cure. We had an opportunity to talk about disability, pregnancy and needs that should be adopted to provide medical care to women with disability specially who is going through regular check up and giving birth to child.
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Independent Living Center for Persons with Disabilities, CIL-Kathmandu has conducted group peer counseling on 17 May 2017 among young women with disabilities on different issues such as family relationship, their growing children, income, challenges in daily living, perception and attitude in general towards disability, barriers that we face in our daily living etc. Also had great counseling about the way how we can get together to break barriers, raise awareness regarding our issues and to be independent at our chosen community. CIL Team member Mrs Jamuna Subedi, Devi Acharya and Geeta Limbu done the Counseling to the persons with disabilities who got Spinal Cord Injury. Rita Dhungel, Radhika Dhital, Nirmala Chaulagain and Lali Sherpa were benefited from the group counseling.
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We all need real change to be inclusive in our community. So long away advocacy, peer counseling, Independent Living program, peer support, barrier removal campaigns, awareness raising activities be need to enjoy our lives independently.
CIL-Kathmandu is running manufacturing wheelchair in Nepal with the support of Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare, AAR Japan, Sakura project and AMDA Nepal since after the massive earthquake to support persons who have been affected by earthquake in Nepal. Renowned Kathmandu University is providing place for CIL-Kathmandu to conduct research, trial and manufacture the wheelchair first time in Nepal. Manufacturing of wheelchair is running well to meet target number of wheelchair. It is made by aluminum having 9.8KG weight.
Prepared By: Jamuna Subedi, Secretary General
Assisted By: Deepa Upadhyaaya, Program Manager