Duskin Leadership Training in Japan

Activity Reports

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Dilshod's Activity Reports

Good morning Duskin trainees, the staffs of JSRPD and The Duskin AINOWA Foundation and my best close Japanese friends.

I hope that your work, family and you are fine, nice and wonderful.

My name is Dilshod. I am from Uzbekistan.

Maybe you think that I forget to write the report for a long time. No, It is not right. I always thought about to write the report about my activities. Today I am going to give you some information about government' activities and my activities.

Government activities:

Our new president, Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich was selected in 4 December 2016. Government was started to think about disabled people's problem and also creating a law to improve a living standard of disabled people in Uzbekistan.

  • Government started to build houses and provide it to many disabled people on the basis of credit.
  • Our car company, Chevrolet (GM Uzbekistan) led to create a car for disabled people. Before we could not buy a car which is comfortable for disabled people, but now we can buy it without any problem.
  • Also public bus company bought a non-step bus for disabled people in Tashkent. In the future, the company is planning to buy for all regions.
  • Education system was also changed that every university must accept students with disabilities at least 2 percent of university students and etc.

My activities:

In the last report I said that I worked 2 organizations: “Sergili Mexribonlik” NPO and the college for students with disabilities. Now I also work in "Sharoit Plyus" NPO. In “Sergili Mexribonlik” NPO and "Sharoit Plyus" NPO I work as a volunteer. I helped them a lot. We held many ceremonies and trainings for a disabled people through the year. I learned the deaf language of Uzbekistan so now I can speak with deaf friends. I am very happy that many disability people want to work, learn and so on. Their mind is changing. I gave many suggestions to disabled people how to enter university, how to work at companies and running a business. When I studied at university there were only 2 disabled students. Nowadays there are many disabled students.

In the future my activities:

  • Training about independent living center;
  • Training about company worker how to deal with disabled people;
  • Training about how to repair a wheelchair;
  • Training about how to speak with a deaf people and etc.

My best close Japanese friends, the staffs of JRSPD and The Duskin AINOWA Foundation, we appreciate if you can make a comment on my report.

Thank you for your attention.

I want to congratulate everyone with New Year 2018.

Duskin 16th trainee
Dilshod Normrodov

Giving a house to disabled people.
Giving a house to disabled people.
Public bus and car for disabled people.
Ceremony on 3 December 2017.
Disabled students whom I teach at college.
This is Navroz holiday.
Disabled students whom I teach at college.
This is Navroz holiday.

My friends at "Sharoit Plyus" NPO

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