“Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan”&International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December, 2014 1st-2nd-3rd Dec, 2014
A Summary Report
Summary Report On
Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) National Conference
“Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan”
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December, 2014 1st-2nd-3rd Dec, 2014|Lahore,
Pakistan Organized By
Milestone Society for the Special Persons | ![]() |
In Collaboration With
Government of Punjab | ![]() |
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | ![]() |
CBM | ![]() |
Handicap International | ![]() |
Sightsavers International | ![]() |
Saaya Association | ![]() |
AWAM Pakistan | ![]() |
STEP | ![]() |
Heera | ![]() |
1st & 2nd December, 2014
Ambassador Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan
A two days Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Network, National Conference titled “Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan & International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December, 2014 was organized by The Community Based Inclusive Development Network and Milestone Society for the Special Persons in Lahore.
The conference was organized in collaboration with Government of Punjab, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Handicap International, Sightsavers International, cbm, STEP, Awam Pakistan and Heera where more than 200 delegates including persons with disabilities from all over the country participated. The dignitaries from INGOs, NGOs and other government and private sectors graced the occasion with their presence. The presentation, speeches of the representatives, panel discussions and deliberations from the participants in the conference provided a wide range of perspectives and perceptions about the way forward for an inclusive society in Pakistan.
In the end there was a consensus that persons with disabilities have equal rights to a decent and respectable life like their counterparts and we must move forward for the creation of right based, barrier free and inclusive society for all.
Community-Based Inclusive Development is an aim or goal or an end result to be achieved of making communities and society at large inclusive of all marginalized groups and their concerns, including persons with disabilities. The rationale is that no one should be excluded from development for any reason, be it gender, disability, ethnicity, refugee status, sexuality or any other issue. CBR is the tool or strategy to achieve the goal of Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) for persons with disability, just as other interest groups in the community (gender etc.), use their own strategies to make development inclusive of their constituents. CBID is disability focused approached and believes in the leadership of persons with disabilities who have tacit knowledge of barriers and discrimination they face in the community.
The Community-Based Inclusive Development CBID Network is a national network in the country that has established its provincial chapters as well. The network has registered many national well reputed organizations serving in development field all over the country. The provincial chapters organize their activities under the flagship of CBID Network and promote inclusive development for all. The network has earned good will among stakeholders for its smooth pace of achieving the target goals.
Inclusive development means that partnerships and alliances are necessary between different stakeholders, especially between DPOs, families of persons with disabilities and governments. The development of the CBR Guidelines is an example of effective partnerships between multiple stakeholders’ I-e UN agencies, DPOs, governments, donor agencies and civil society including national and international non-governmental organizations.
CBR was initiated in the early 1980s, with the recognition that in many developing countries, the conventional system of rehabilitation had failed to address needs of persons with disabilities. CBR practice then changed from a medical orientated, often single sector (e.g., health or education), service delivery approach, to a comprehensive, multi-sectoral, rights-based one, focusing on creation of inclusive societies where persons with disabilities have access to all development benefits like everyone in their communities. The CBR Guidelines of WHO (2010) are an attempt to synthesize experiences from across the world to provide a unified understanding of the concept and principles of CBR.
The inclusive development is world known concept that ensures development of every community for the sustainable and inclusive society for all.
Participants more than 200 with diverse background from Government, INGOs, NGOs and DPOs from all over the country participated in the conference. The dignities from the judicial background and large number of media representatives also graced the occasion with their valued presence.
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The inaugural session was initiated by Mr. Asim Zafar, CBID Secretariat Coordinator who invited Mr. Hassan Khan for Tilawat e Quran E Pak; He later invited Mr. Dr. Shahnawaz Munami, National Coordinator, CBID Network-Pakistan who delivered welcome speech where he paid heartily thanks and gratitude to the participants for their valued presence and concern for the cause. He especially mentioned representatives from the Govt. of KPK and Govt. of Punjab, the provincial coordinators, representatives from DPOs, INGOs like JICA and Milestone society for the Special persons & Saaya Association volunteers for organizing this conference.
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He briefly floated the idea of establishment of CBID Network and informed about the concept of inclusive development that ensured the inclusion of all communities in the development process. There are communities of Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Teachers etc that must be included in the development process and CBID Network is voice of all these communities.
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Mr. Atif Sheikh, President STEP and Deputy International Coordinator was invited to deliver his welcome and opening speech who welcomed the participants and said that it is happy to note here that Disability is being discussed today here and we are to ensure the theme of UNO for 2014 that titles Sustainable Development Goals. He anticipated that these 2 days conference will bear fruitful results and outcomes for sustainable development.
Mr. Fazal Mehmood, Social Welfare Department, KPK, he welcomed the participants and briefed them about the services that social welfare department KPK is offering and added that women empowerment is their focus as there are less policies for this community of society. He also informed that child protection unit is also serving in the 12 districts of KPK. He appreciated CBID Network for its outstanding approach and services in the development field.
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Dr. Izhar Hashmi, Director, Punjab Welfare Trust for Disabled, delivering his welcome speech paid heartily gratitude to the participants and Milestone for organizing the said conference, he said that he used to change his profession each two years and since he is serving in the disability field he feels satisfied and never thinks about changing his profession anymore as this is the best field to serve. He briefed the participants about the services that Punjab Welfare Trust for the Disabled offers and introduced AKHUWAT as well that provides small loans to deserving. Informing he said that we have 106 Organizations registered with PWTD and you are also welcome to get affiliated as well so that we can serve in the best possible manner.
Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Director General Social Welfare, Punjab, was invited to delivered his speech and he welcomed the participants, he appreciated the role of all stakeholders for their services as these help the government to draw fruitful and well served policies, he appreciated CBID Network that it has contributed a lot deal in the development sector and ensured the cooperation of the social welfare department in all endeavors. He asked for the recommendations so that government responses in the practical manners. He added that CM Punjab has formed a special committee to provide financial assistance to persons with disabilities.
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Mr. Bilal Qutab, Religious Scholar and Anchor Person, was called on stage where he appreciated persons with disabilities and the organizers of the said conference, he said that the perception of the society for persons with disabilities is biased and they are treated as pity figures but the reality is different. He shared an experience if his friend’s disabled daughter who received protocol in USA for she visited for her treatment and he said that we being Muslims do not follow out religious teachings that teaches us to treat all humans as equal. He added that we lack awareness and we must spread it for the balanced and inclusive society for all.
He emphasized that we as a nation just need one year to be reformed, this is not a Hercules task, just to think good and doing good can make us progress towards right direction.
Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman, President Milestone- Provincial Coordinator CBID N-Punjab, He delivered the welcome speech being the chief organizer of the conference and welcomed all the participants for their valued presence and their concern for sustainable development. He said that persons with disabilities are the 50% of the total population of the country including the parents and other family member of persons with disabilities families, informing he said that the disability ratio remains balanced as this is natural balance by the nature. We have ignored this marginalized segment of society and facing problems as deprived communities always protest for their rights.
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Referring to the financial assistance for persons with disabilities mentioned by the DG Social Welfare he suggested that persons with disabilities may not be treated as baggers to be provided with money but they must be treated as respectable and equal like their counterparts for the creation of right based and inclusive society.
A formal ceremony was observed where PWDs (Persons with Disabilities) presented souvenirs to the honorable guests.
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The souvenirs were presented to the guests by PWDs (Persons with Disabilities) |
Chair | Speaker | Co Chair |
Sheikh Pervaiz | Muhammad Atif Sheikh Executive Director STEP | Dr. Shahnawaz Munami National Coordinator-CBID Network |
PDMA Mr. Ali Shabbar Manager DIDDR Project |
The session was initiated by Mr. Atif Sheikh who briefed the participants about the Disaster activities and project of STEP organization in Pakistan, he informed that we as a nation have faced 5 mega disasters since last five years and it is sorry to state that persons with disabilities are the last community that is rescued as they are not considered respectable and important enough to be rescued are taken care for, the discrimination attitudes leads on even in the emergencies. Persons with disabilities have no access to the information provided in the emergencies like deaf cannot hear the alarming situation announcements, persons with physical disabilities cannot move to the safe places, visually impaired persons do not have access to the accessible exit and their family members also discriminate them and they remain as least priority to be rescued. He informed that the STEP Project rescued 150 Persons with disabilities in Athara Hazari District Jhang, south Punjab in their project.
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Mr. Ali Shabbar, Manager DIDDR Project STEP, briefed the participants about the project implementation and its outcomes and findings so that better services can be served to persons with disabilities in the emergency areas. He said that flood affects each year in Pakistan but we have no strategy plan for persons with disabilities to be rescued and provided with the required facilities like their counterparts. He added that due to no policy for persons with disabilities to be rescued the number of PWDs casualties in the recent 4 mega disasters in Pakistan mounts up to 19602 that is alarming and sheer discrimination and inhumanity as well. we have to rethink our disaster risk reduction policy.
Chair | Speaker | Co Chair |
Syed Khurshid Anwar Rizvi Director General Punjab Judicial Academy, Lahore |
Dr. Aman ullah Malik Constitutional regime and necessary amendments for person with disabilities |
Omer Pervaiz Malik Windup session. |
Mr. Amir Muneer Reforms in Judicial system for person with disabilities Justice Amir Raza Why Pakistan Disability Act is necessary. |
The next session was observed where judicial dignities led the session about the legal practices and legislative reforms for persons with disabilities. Mr. Khrshid Anwar Rizvi in his lecture briefed the participants about the legal status that persons with disabilities hold and the facilities provided to them concerning their presence in the cases. There are least facilities available for persons with disabilities but concerning judicial reforms in the pipeline to facilitate persons with disabilities in the judiciary.
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Dr. Aman ullah Malik delivered his speech about the Constitutional regime and necessary amendments for person with disabilities where he emphasized that the reforms must be made in the constitution regime for persons with disabilities to provide them with the equal status like their counterparts.
Justice Amir Raza in his session delivered speech on the need of Pakistan Disability Act as it is the required document that will ensure the right s of persons with disabilities he said, he added that there are judicial reforms for persons with disabilities but the disability act will pave the way towards rightful living of persons with disabilities and parliament must approve disability act for the rightful place of persons with disabilities in the society, he appreciated the efforts and services of Heera organization that is serving for the judicial rights of persons with disabilities.
Mr. Omar Pervaiz Malik, President Heera and serving advocate, concluded the session, he introduced his organization that is serving lawyers with disabilities for their legal and educative rights and beside that the services that the legal ethic committee is performing under his leadership. He added that we are serving with the best of our capacities and it is worth mentioning here that we have installed a ramp in the Lahore high court for persons with disabilities and to ensure accessibility and other reforms are also there in the pipeline.
Chair | Speaker | Co Speaker | Co-Chair |
Social Welfare Department KP Government | M. Tahir (Review of CBID) Mr. Muzammal Islam Movie: Livelihood Improvement Movement in post war Japan |
Ms. Shagufta Syed Mr. Shakil Khattak |
Dr. Shahnawaz Munami 1- Review of CBID 2-Movie: Livelihood Improvement Movement in post war Japan Your activity in CBR-Matrix (20 minutes for each session) |
Mr. Muzammal Islam Your activity in CBR-Matrix |
HRD Team |
Mr. Tahir presented Review of CBID and with video presentation made it more specific for the participants to understand CBID concept and its outcome in development perspectives. He explained the term CBID in the development and inclusion fields and its achievements as well, the principles of CBID and social justice were also discussed and elaborated by him.
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The next speaker Mr. Muzammal Islam shared the CBID Experience in Japan and it served as source of learning for the participants. He also presented a video concerning livelihood improvement movement in post war scenario in Japan that was well knit and improved the vision of participants as well.
Mr. Fazal Mehmood from Social Welfare presented the activities of social welfare department serving in KPK and the team visit to Japan and shared the learning with the participants. He presented video presentation titled HRD in public sector towards sustainable development. He appreciated CBID Network for their services in the development field throughout the country. Mr. Shakeel Khattak from Social Welfare Department also spoke about HRD team building and matrix and shared video presentation as well.
The co-chair Mr. Shahnawaz Munami concluding the session described the CBR and its conversion into the latest CBID concept and how CBID Network flourished in Pakistan and its activities in all provincial chapters, he appreciated the provincial coordinators for their commitment. The basic goal of CBID network is to not leave anyone in isolation; we have to give space to all stakeholders to move together he concluded.
Chair | Speaker | Co Speaker | Co-Chair |
Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman | Mr. Riaz Hussain Mr. Jawaid Rais Mr. Qazi Zahid |
Mr. Akram Mr. Rana Yasir Mr. Ayaz Khan |
Mr. Asim Zafar |
The session was led by Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman, President Milestone and CBID Provincial Coordinator, Punjab- he introduced Independent Living Philosophy and its impacts in Pakistan, he enjoys the distinction of introducing Independent Living in Pakistan and produced agents of change, he led the session in a unique manner that the panelist do not have to introduce themselves or their organizations but the other panelist will introduce other organization and in this way we will know how much we know each other? The panelist belonged to different DPOs form all provinces of Pakistan including AJK. Mr. Qazi Zahid introduced Milestone, Mr. Riaz introduced DWA, and Mr. Ayaz Khan introduced TSO.
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Musical Night was organized there in the Hotel premises where Singers Persons with disabilities including Mr. Ali Raza, Mr. Omer Pervaiz and Mr. Humayun Zaheer had musical presentations that entertained the participants to drain out the hectic day tiredness, welcome dinner was also served.
Chair | Speaker |
Mr. Naseem Anthony | Mr. Naseem Anthony Mr. Omer Pervaiz Malik Mr. Peter Jacob (Human Rights Activist and International Reporting Expert) |
Ms. Shazia Gorge |
Mr. Naseem Anthony, Deputy Provincial Coordinator CBID –Punjab and President AWAM discussed the problems of persons with disabilities and established the concept of state as a mother to facilitate every community, persons with disabilities are not provided with the basic facilities of life and government of Pakistan has failed to deliver the respectable status to persons with disabilities and they have to face discrimination at each and every step. The establishment of CBID Network was appreciated as it is the voice of all communities to be included in development.
Mr. Omer Pervaiz Malik discussed the Pakistan Disability Act and its need for persons with disabilities to be provided with the equal rightful status like their counterparts. He also discussed and informed the house about the commitment of Pakistan about UNCRPD, we as a nation are not alone waiting for its implementation but other countries are also in process and we have to raise our voice for its implementation so that our rights are ensured.
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Ms. Shazia George discussed the problems of women with disabilities as they mount in numbers, women with disabilities face many fold problems in their daily living and this discrimination leads them to be in state of inferiority complex, government is to address this issue and shun gender discrimination. He highlighted the problem that disabled women face in registration process as there is no female staff available for the process and women with disabilities feel hesitant to get checked up by the male staff, this is burning issue that must be solved on priority basis.
Mr. Peter Jacob, Human Rights Activist and International Reporting Expert in his presentation discussed human rights and their status in Pakistan, life is worth living he added in whatever conditions you are, he emphasized on this criminal negligence those we as a nation has neglected out international commitments. The basic human facilities are not provided to the masses and we are living abject life concerning basic human rights, it is the need of the hour to raise voice for the rightful living.
Mr. Naseem Anthony concluded the session that we as a nation have to fulfill our international commitment to emerge as a promising nation.
Presentation: | Dr. Shahnawaz Munami |
National Coordinator CBID Network-Pakistan | |
Lecture on Inclusive Education: | Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman |
Provincial Coordinator CBID Network-Punjab | |
President Milestone |
The next session led by Mr. Shanawaz Munami, National Coordinator, CBID Network Pakistan, he discussed disability in development perspectives and presented good practices of CBID N in the country, with advocacy the hotel premises were ensured as accessible and this is the example of inclusive environment.
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He appreciated the role of Milestone concerning accessible arrangements for the conference and their struggle for the inclusive development. Discussing disability scenario in the country he said that the mobility is the basic right and facility to be provided to persons with all types of disabilities. He emphasized that there are many disabled persons organizations that need to be visible and we have to provide them with support to be included in the mainstream life.
Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman, Provincial Coordinator CBID Network-Punjab and President Milestone delivered lecture on Inclusive education and discussed the problems of persons with disabilities, he said that he floated the idea of inclusive education few years before and now this idea of inclusive education is on the move and discussed among the stakeholders, persons with disabilities are the 50% of the total population of the country counting the family members of persons with disabilities families he added as the family of any person with disability indirectly suffers taking care of him so this huge population needs to be included in the mainstream development process so that we may call it an inclusive development for all.
Chair | Speaker | Co Speaker |
Ms. Saima Aslam National Coordinator National Forum of Women with Disabilities |
Ms. Maria Ms. Tanzeela Ms. Zahida Qureshi Ms. Imtiaz Fatima |
Ms. Saima Aslam, National Coordinator, National Forum of Women with Disabilities chaired the session and highlighted the problems of women with disabilities in the country and focused on the issued faced in the daily living and how this gender faces problems and discriminations in all walks of life, she said that women are the 51% of the total population and women with disabilities mount up to 10% of this population provided with less facilities and there are no basic facilities provided by the government as we are not considered respectable enough to be given equal status like our counterparts she added.
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The other panalist speakers including Ms. Maria Qureshi, Ms. Tanzila Khan, Ms. Zahida Qureshi and Ms. Imtiaz Fatima also spoke on the occasion and highlighted problems of women with disabilities. They were all of the same view that we must say a loud no to discrimination against women with disability and head towards balanced, right based and inclusive society for all.
They appreciated CBID Network for including women with disabilities forum for inclusive development.
Chair | Speaker | Co Speaker |
Mr. Shehzada Irfan (The News International) |
Mr. Sohaib Ahmad Milestone |
Mr. Ali Hamza Milestone |
Mr. Shehzada Irfan, The News International described the role of media to highlight the problems of persons with disabilities, he admitted the fact that still media has the pity based approach but it is the responsibility of persons with disabilities organizations to aware and sensitize media entities about the face that persons with disabilities are like their counterparts deserving equal respectable status not pity based approach, there is lot to do to aware the masses to accept and treat persons with disabilities as equal respectable and contributing part of the society. He assured that he will serve in the best of his capacity to shun the cliché of persons with disabilities are the source of pity and fear.
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Mr. Sohaib Ahmad, Activist Milestone- highlighted the issues of persons with disabilities and the way they are projected in media as persons with disabilities are the source of pity and fear and they deserve charity. This is the wrong perception as persons with disabilities are the respectable, positive and contributing part of the society, the issues must be highlighted but it is suggestions that media groups must allocate a slot for persons with disabilities programs where their contributing role in the society is presented to sensitize the society.
Mr. Ali Hamza from Milestone presented his success story among the participants and to the media persons that he is a severe person with disability but he has done his masters and now teaching students and serving in Milestone as Inclusive Education activist and motivating other persons with disabilities to be independent and be a contributing part in the society. He emphasized on independent living of persons with disabilities as it ensures their mobility and social participation so that they can be a positive part of society, disability is not a problem but a lifestyle and what we lack is accessibility, if that is ensured there will be no problem for persons with disability, this is the spirit and reality that must be projected in media in spite of pity based approach.
Closing ceremony was observed where Mr. Shafiq UR Rehman, Provincial Coordinator CBID Network-Punjab paid heartily thanks note and gratitude to all the participants, panelists, volunteers and the sponsors for this fruitful conference and hoped that with this positive approach and conviction we would head towards sustainable development for all.
An awareness walk to celebrate World Disability Day was observed where persons with disabilities and stakeholders chanted slogans for the equal rights of persons with disabilities. Mr. Shahnawaz Munami, National Coordinator CBID Network addressing the media on the occasion said that persons with disabilities are the respectable and contributing part of the society and they must be treated as equal respectable segment of society for the creation of right based, barrier free and inclusive society for all.
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Mr. Shanawaz Munami, National Coordinator-CBID Network Pakistan presented the Conference Recommendations to the house.
Organized by: Community Based Inclusive Development Network (CBID)
December 1-2, 2014
Ambassador Hotel, Lahore
CBM, STEP, HEERA, AWAM, Milestone, Sightsavers, Handicap International, JICA, National Forum of Women with Disabilities (NFWWD), Govt. of Punjab and Govt. of KPK.
Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Network, a network of DPOs, INGOs and NGOs, organized a National Conference to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities from December 1-2, 2014 at Ambassador Hotel, Lahore. The prime objective of the Conference is to generate a Lahore Declaration and build a consensus around the Lahore Declaration.
The further motives include:
Sensitization of the diverse stakeholders about the disability issues,
Explore the extreme areas regarding the disability issues that are multiplying the ordeals of the persons with disabilities and Draw attention of the stakeholders towards the International Commitment of the State and its response.
In the said conference, as many as 120 participants all over the country including the representatives of Milestones, Saaya Association, STEP, AWAM, Sightsavers, Handicap International, DWA, TSO, NFWWD, JICA, Our Voice, Government of Punjab and Government of KPK.
The conference was concluding at the declaration for mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in general and women with disabilities in specific in Pakistan.
The Participants Unanimously passed the Lahore Declaration.