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23rd All Pakistan Sports Festival, Abbottabad, 2015

Organized By: KPK Sports Board, Milestone Society for the Special Persons & A Star Association

Milestone society for the special persons organized the 23rd Abbottabad Sports Festival for persons with disabilities from 12th to 14th June, 2015 in collaboration with the KPK Sports Board and A Star Association where more than 15 DPOs (Disabled Persons Organizations) participated from all over Pakistan. The Milestone society for the special persons enjoys the distinction of organizing the said sports festival for last many years that stands as the sole healthy activity for persons with disabilities where they enjoy different games that provide them with the opportunity to execute their hidden talent and avail the platform to share the disability scenario in the country through discussions and having each other in the same place for the couple of days. So this event is much awaited by all the disabled persons for the whole year and Milestone feels pleasure for organizing and facilitating the counterparts in the best possible way.

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The accommodation arrangements for participants was arranged in a government school that was not that much accessible and participants being persons with disabilities faced many problems and discomfort there, it is suggested that next year the needs of persons with disabilities must be considered and they may have accessible accommodation with accessible washrooms. The sports board KPK is requested here to please consider this as an application from participant’s persons with disabilities and arrange accessible accommodation with accessible washrooms next year so that persons with disabilities can enjoy the comfort and participate in true manners.

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The opening ceremony was held at Iqbal Khan Hockey Stadium where Dr. Azhar Jadoon Member of National Assembly graced the occasion with his valued presence. March Pass of teams was observed in professional festivity manner where the chief guest was introduced to the teams. Different teams were wearing their colorful sports kits that made them look different and uniformed that charmed the sight. After March pass of teams the honorable chief guest Dr. Azhar Jadoon Member of National Assembly addressed the participants where he gave them warm welcome and bade them best of luck for their matches. He said that sports activities for persons with disabilities have an importance and we must promote and arrange such sports events for persons with disabilities as they lack opportunities, he promised to construct an accessible sports stadium for persons with disabilities where can execute their hidden god gifted talent.

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This much waited initiative was much appreciated by all the persons with disabilities as it will provide them with the accessible sports facility like their counterparts.

Mr.TriqMehmood the Founder and Chief Organizer of this event graced the occasion with his presence and traditional smile , he is the Man who founded this event for persons with disabilities 23 years before and it has won fame and festivity among persons with disabilities not only in Pakistan but at International level as well.

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Mr.Tariq Mehmood speaking on the occasion said that he warmly welcomes the participants for the 23rd time in this historical sports event and he feels much exited watching children grown up now, those who were child few years before are Man today. He wished that this event grows more and KPK Sports Board can serve the participants and games with more facilities and comfort.

He added that promoting sports for persons with disabilities is his priority since last 23 years and he feels much delighted making it happen every year here in Abbottabad. Mr.Shafiq Ur Rehman President Milestone Society for the Special Persons appreciated the efforts of KPK sports board and specially Mr.TariqMrhmood for organizing this sports event since 23 years and his commitment for the promotion of sports activities for persons with disabilities, he added that Milestone has been doing its best to facilitate and organize this event in its capacity and any discomfort is apologized and further improvements will be made in the coming years with the suggestions of the participants.

The Sports events started after the formal opening ceremony, the games included indoor and outdoor games. It is worth mentioning here that some of the organizations introduced new players and teams this year in different games that marks the beauty of this event for persons with disabilities.

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Different game events were played and it is worth mentioning that women cricket is also introduced this year. Prize distribution ceremony was held at Iqbal Hocky Stadium where Chief Guest Mr. Qamar Zaman, Famous Former Squash Player distributed prizes and trophies among winners, runner ups and volunteers of this event. He appreciated the efforts of concern department and persons with disabilities for organizing such a wonderful and festive event.

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Congratulations to all from Milestone and Special Thanks to KPK Sports Board, A Stat Association and Volunteers from School and Saaya Association

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