NOT FOR SALE Please carefully read the Application Guidance before completing this form. Note:Type or handwrite clearly, and do not exceed the space provided for each section. Deadline is August 20, 2024 !! (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Registration Number ) The 25th Duskin Leadership Training in Japan A Program for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (2025) Please answer the following questions, and attach your photo. A photo must show your face and entire body. It must have been taken in the past 3 months. If you are applying by post, please write your full name on the back of the photo. If you are applying by email, please send your photo as a separate attachment. 1. Name First (given) name(s) / Middle name / Second (family) name Answer: In your native language Answer: In English alphabet Answer: 2. Sex 1 Male 2 Female 3 Unspecified Answer: 3. Date of Birth Year/Month/Day Answer: Age(as of August 20, 2024) Answer: 4. Contact details 1 Home 2 Office 3 Other (please specify) Answer: Postal address Answer: Country Answer: Telephone Answer: Fax Answer: Mobile phone Answer: Email Answer: 5. Type of disability 1 Physical 2 Visual 3 Hearing 4 Intellectual 5 Mental 6 Other (please specify) Answer: 6. Nationality Answer: 7. Native language (mother tongue) Answer: 8. Religion Answer: 9. Marital status 1 Single 2 Married Answer: 10. What do you do? 1 I am a student 2 I work 3 Other (please specify) Answer: If you are a student, please provide details of your institution Name of your School/College/Institution Answer: Address Answer: Your school Year/Grade Answer: Your major Answer: When do you expect to graduate? Answer: If you have employment or any other kinds of work, please provide details below. Your organization type 1 NGO 2 Public administration/government 3 Private firm/institution 4 Other type of institution 5 Self-employed 6 Family-run business 7 Freelance 8 Other (details) Answer: Name of Your Employer (Organization/Company) Answer: Address Answer: Telephone Answer: Fax Answer: Website Answer: Email Answer: Describe specialty of your organization and its main business Answer: Your status 1 Paid staff 2 Unpaid staff/Volunteer 3 Intern/Trainee 4 Other (details) Answer: Describe your job details including your present title Answer: 11. Do you belong to any organization of/for persons with disabilities? 1 No, I don ft belong to any organization. 2 Yes, I belong to the following organization. Answer: If your answer yes,Describe your organization infomation Name of the organization Answer: Address Answer: Telephone Answer: Website Answer: Email Answer: Its purpose and activities: Answer: How are you affiliated with this organization? 1 Staff 2 Member 3 Volunteer 4 Service user 5 Other Answer: Describe your involvement Answer: 12. Education A. University/ School Give the name of the institution from which you graduated, your degree/major and completion date. Please write up to 3 most recent. Please exclude information that you have already mentioned in Section 10. Name 1 Answer: City/Country Answer: Attended From (Month/Year) Answer: Attended To (Month/Year) Answer: Degree, Certificate or Diploma Answer: Name 2 Answer: City/Country Answer: Attended From (Month/Year) Answer: Attended To (Month/Year) Answer: Degree, Certificate or Diploma Answer: Name 3 Answer: City/Country Answer: Attended From (Month/Year) Answer: Attended To (Month/Year) Answer: Degree, Certificate or Diploma Answer: B. Training/Seminar List training courses and seminars etc. that you have attended and qualifications that you hold. Please write up to 3 important trainings for you. Name 1 Answer: City/Country Answer: training period(Month/Year) Answer: Certificates obtained Answer: Name 2 Answer: City/Country Answer: training period(Month/Year) Answer: Certificates obtained Answer: Name 3 Answer: City/Country Answer: training period(Month/Year) Answer: Certificates obtained Answer: 13. Work Experience Please write up to 3 most recent. Please exclude information that you have already mentioned in Section 10. Name of employer 1 Answer: organization Answer: Description of organization Answer: period of employment (Month/Year) Answer: Title, duties and responsibilities Answer: Name of employer 2 Answer: organization Answer: Description of organization Answer: period of employment (Month/Year) Answer: Title, duties and responsibilities Answer: Name of employer 3 Answer: organization Answer: Description of organization Answer: period of employment (Month/Year) Answer: Title, duties and responsibilities Answer: 14. Reason for applying : Why do you want to participate in this training program? Answer: 15. Your training plan : What do you want to learn in Japan? Answer: 16. Your future plan : What will you do after training? Answer: 17. Your disability What is the name of your disability? Please describe details about your disability including medical records. Answer: Do you require any assistance in your daily life? 1 YES 2 NO Answer: If YES, please answer all appropriate below A. Aids 1 Electric Wheelchair 2 Manual Wheelchair 3 Crutches 4 Guide dog 5 White cane 6 Other (please specify) Answer: B. Personal Assistant 1 Full-time 2 Part-time Answer: C. What kind of assistance? 1 Mobility 2 Transferring 3 Eating 4 Cooking 5 Cleaning 6 Clothing 7 Toileting 8 Bathing 9 Other (please specify :) Answer: D. Give any additional information which would help us to understand your disability and condition Answer: 18. Do you have a dietary, medical or any other restriction in your daily life due to your religion or health condition? Answer: 19. Describe your personal history. Answer. 20. What are your hobbies and interests? Answer: 21. Have you traveled abroad before? Give details of any travel experience abroad (e.g., study, training and holidays), including its destination, duration and purpose. Answer: 22. How did you learn about this program and where did you get this application form? Answer: 23. Your language skills Please answer number that indicates your level on each section. A. ENGLISH Speaking 1 None 2 Basic communication 3 Everyday conversation 4 Business level 5 Native level Answer: Listening 1 None 2 Basic communication 3 Everyday conversation 4 Business level 5 Native level Answer: Reading 1 None 2 Some words 3 Simple sentences 3 Short stories 4 Newspapers Answer: Writing 1 None 2 Some words 3 Simple sentences 4 Short essays 5 Business 6 reports Answer: B. JAPANESE Speaking 1 None 2 Greetings 3 Basic communication 4 Everyday conversation 5 Business level Answer: Listening 1 None 2 Greetings 3 Basic communication 4 Everyday conversation 5 Business level Answer: Reading 1 None 2 Some letters 3 Simple sentences 4 Short stories 5 Newspapers Answer: Writing 1 None 2 Some letters 3 Simple sentences 4 Short essays 5 Business reports Answer: C. Do you use or understand any of the followings? Braille 1 Native language(please specify) 2 English (please tell us the Grade) 3 Japanese 4 Other (please specify) Answer: Sign language 1 Native language(please specify) 2 ASL 3 International 4 Japanese 5 Other (please specify) Answer: Lip-reading 1 Native language(please specify) 2 English 3 Japanese 4 Other(please specify) Answer: D. If you have any other communication skills, please describe below : Answer: 24. Referee information Give the name and contact details of your referee. Name Answer: Relationship to you Answer: Address Answer: Occupation Answer: Email Answer: Telephone Answer: Mobile phone: Answer: 25. Surety information Give the name and contact details of your surety. Name Answer: Relationship to you Answer: Address Answer: Occupation Answer: Email Answer: Telephone Answer: Mobile phone: Answer: 26. Who completed this application form? 1 I completed this form by myself. 2 I got help (please give details on the person who completed this form on behalf of you.) Answer: If 2, please answer the following questions Name Answer: Relationship to you Answer: Reason for assistance: Answer: 27. Have you applied for this program before? 1 Yes, I applied (What was the year you applied?) 2 No, this is my first time applying. Answer: 28. Do you have a valid passport? 1 Yes (Date of expiry: ) 2 No 29. Declaration statement by the applicant "I hereby certify that all the information stated above is true, correct and complete." Your signature (type your name) Date Answer: The end of the form.