Duskin Leadership Training in Japan



ラシュナの日記 9月



I would like give warming wish all of the JSRPD members and to give lot of thanks for our striking orientation.

September 11

From September 10 we are 6 Duskin trainees started our new journey to make new world from our own countries, we reached in Japan on 11th Sept at Osaka after few times later we had met some of JSRPD staff they welcoming us very joyfully and we had completed our breakfast together than we reached Osaka at Courtryard hotel participated orientation at 02 -04 pm.

September 12

It was very pleasuring day when day 2 we participated our main orientation program ‘’ Opening Ceremony’’ at the Duskin Head Office. There was arranging such kind of incredible program with most honorable persons. The program started at 03-05 pm by the speech of Duskin Chairperson and also given speech other honorable person they welcoming us very pleasantly and we had received our dreamy certificate for Duskin leadership training when receiving this certificate at that time we introduced ourselves very politely in front our respective guest. Lastly me Rashna Sharmin Camey was presenting a little speech from our 18th Duskin team it was my hearty experience. After the orientation we participated a party like get together party where 5 donors and all of our respective guests also participated very jointly amazingly they introduced themselves very willingly with us with lots of conversation and was taking delicious food.

September 13

On 13th Sept we left from Osaka to Tokyo at the morning 10 am. All of JSRPD staffs monitored us very sincerely on way we enjoined the journey very nicely with Japanese natural beauties. At 03pm we reached Toyama Sunrise and Greetings to JSRPD and Toyama Sunrise all of members and orientation was held by Japanese language after few times later Mr Nagaoka San taken Mobility Training for trainees with visual impairment.

September 14

In Toyama Sunrise Japanese class started on Sept 14. From first class teacher tried to learn Japanese language very easily she started from Hiragana and some basic conversation by Japanese and also giving home task at the 01pm we are going for registered our ID card with Nasu San and Hiroka San at Shinjuku Word Office.

September 15

From the morning we started our Japanese class there is two session of class, First session me, Ram Das, Kishav ,Sankha have participated altogether for learning for speaking and two of my other friends participated jointly another class for their effectivity of visual impairment teachers help them very smoothly for learning .

Another Sessions Ram Das and Sankha divided for learning isolating letters by braille which is very helpful for persons with visual impairment. Kashev and Me remains in our class for learning writing by Hiragana and Katakana. At that day we also taken part in orientation after Lunch. From the orientation we gathered all details about earthquake if Japan There had some preventive actions some caution how we survive us if we face this disaster. From JSRPD manager representing very nice slide about JSRPD org which works very actively with government and internationally. He gives details about the activities of the org than Toyama Sunrise mangers gives information about the building and other facilities.

September 16

Same scheduled was remained on 16th sept some of guest introduced very willingly with us gives speech about their org and invited us for participating enjoyable event. at the end of orientation, we got I-phone also had iPhone training for my two friend who have visual impairment in Toyama Sunrise Building.

September 19

We attended our Japanese class all of teachers have given best effort for learning Japanese reading, writing and speaking we also give concentration about learning Japanese as well as, on 19th Sept we had orientation to gather knowledge about JSRPD org and Duskin relationship their activities international co-relation which was very impressive. From this orientation I learned that one thing ‘’works for humanity’’ we got camera and others essential material on that day.

September 20

In front of all JSRPD we all 6 trainees presented our self-report presentation including our countries information where we gave some magical features, activities with pictures and from that program we able to know each other very prominently also got opportunities to learn by asking related question which was very helpful for us, after the program had a training of screen reading for trainees with visual training.

September 21 and 23

From the morning we started our Japanese Language and we have finished our class at the afternoon and all of the trainees have tried to give best efforts for Japanese Language. All the classes oriented by same procedure same time schedule.

Thanks all of You for your kind Patience.

Arigato Gozaimasuta !

I have started weekly report session 2 by giving warm wishes to all of JSRPD members .

September 26th 2016

On Sept 26th we had started our class according our routine teacher provided us important lessons that how to recognized time in Nihongo.

  • When we mentioned any time we use the verb ‘ji’
  • From 1 to 12 0’clock we use like ichiji ,niji ,sanji ,yoji goji etc.
  • Every 5 minutes we use Fun and Every 10 minutes we can use pun like Ichijigofun ,Ichijisangofun .
  • We said like asking question – Ima nan ji desuka ? Ima ichijisangofun ,another important thing is that we use han for every 30 minutes .
  • We had learn about gogo and gozen . Anata no class wa nan ji kara nan ji made deshka ? Nihongo no usual jimosho wa nan ji kara nan ji made desh ka ? Anata wa mai asa nan ji ni okimaska ?
  • We also learned present and past form like yasumimasu, Yasumimasen – past form yasumimashita ,yasumimasen deshita ,and how to implement grammatical some verbs on the sentence teacher given all details and also necessaries words .

27th September 2016

On 28th September we learned some verbs

  • Okimasu
  • Nemasu
  • Hatarikimasu
  • Yasumimasu
  • Benkoshimasu
  • Owarimasu
  • Other many words with using verbs
  • Sentence making – watashi wa maiasa rokhu jihanni okimasu .

28th September 2016

On 28th September 2016 we just have the topic about ikimamasu by using proper verbs

  • Nasu San wa doko e ekimaska ? when we use doko we should use verb e
  • Nasu San wa kino nan de jimosho e ikimastaka? Ans – Nasu San wa aruite de Jimosho e ikimasta .It is past form , for any kind of vehicle we use the verb of de .
  • Watashi wa kazoko to Indo e ikimasu . Here I am using nan de -with whom, so we use verb de.
  • Doko de tabemaska?

29TH September 2016

Due to my sickness watashi wa asa I could not attend my class after the lunch time I joined my class on that day we learned Nihongo 1- 10 numbers and Nangetsu,nanyobi ,nansui etc also who of the watashitachi have practiced Nihongo writing on basis of our text books .

30th September 2016

On 30th Sept we learned action verbs like tabemasu,nemasu, suimasu ,yomimasu ,kakimasu ,kimasau ,imasusu ,kyomasu and others verbs

  • Anata wa nani o tabemaska ?
  • Ramdas wa mainichi kesa restaurant e sankha san tu o tabemasu .
  • Watashi wa room e hon o yomimasu .
  • Watashi wa joy tu Nihongo e ikimasta ,sore kara restaurant de cohee o nomimasta.
  • We learned sentence making with using verb

1st October 2016

We started to go at Nagoyo from 10 O clock by electric train, on the way we enjoyed much with Nihongo natural view caught some nice pictures then we had reached Nagoya Castle. Special thanks goes to Nasu San and Kawakami San for making a great trip both of them monitoring very carefully also they helps us to gather knowledge about the history of Nagoya Castle and other things.Watashi tachi kino nagoyea castle shashin o torimasu. Nagoya castle e totomo kairimasu .

  • At Nagoya Castle we enjoyed Nihongo some traditional features where people wears Nihongo cloths and showed drama.
  • It was incredible moments when we go Nagoya castle we enjoyed to see all of things.
  • Watashi tachi wa sore kara gojini hotel e kairemasta .
  • Watshi mo tomodachi wa hotel e yosumimasta

2nd October 2016

On 2nd October watashi tachi wa participated marathon Nagoya e It was very kaire event there lots of people gathered for marathon event.first started by opening ceremony some honorable persons giving speech shushite watashi tachi wa Bangoradesujin tu Ninhongojin tu Thilandjin shushite other coniwajin Nagoya de imasta .

  • Sorekara watashi tachi wa marathon o hajimarimasta .Enjoyed lot of events with altogather.yojini watashi tachi wa AJU org e ikimasta and joining invitation party .
  • AJU org arranged such kind of kaire cultural program by the persons with disabilities.
  • Sore kara watashi tachi nana ji ne hotel e ikimasta shushite bangohan o tabemasta shushite yosumimasta .

3rd October 2016

On 3rd October again we participated another kaisa TAIHU Group juichini Nagoyade . They welcoming us very warmly sorekara watashitasi wa marathon program o mimasta on screen. Sokode watashi tachi wa different foods item wa tabemasta shushite differen drinks item o nomimasta .watashi tachi wa shashion o torimasta including all of guests . They gifted us lot of gifts, Sorekara gojini watashi tachi wa Toyamasanrise e ni kaerimasta

Arigatooo Gozaimashta !!!!!!!

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