Duskin Leadership Training in Japan



ラムダスの日記 9月

12-26 september, 2016

Hajimemashite, Minasan Konnichiwa,

Since it is the first report which I am going to submit to the JSRPD as well as Duskin Ainowa Foundation therefore, I would like to interduce myself formally.

Watashino namayva Ramdas shivhare desu. Watashiva Indokara kimashta.

Watashino Indo zin desu. Watashiva Indode genkoin shimasu to Nihonde Duskin no kenshyu se desu. Watashiwa Duskin Ainowa Kikin JSRPD no Konoproguramu no sankasasete itadaitakotoo kokoroyoriarigataidesu.

As per the schedule I reached Japan-Osaka in the early morning, on 11th September, 2016 along with other three Duskin trainees who are also from south asia. After the warm welcome by the Duskin and JSRPD people we enjoyed our breakfast that was the nice experience for us.

Since the flight of the rest two trainees was scheduled litil bit later so that once they joined us, we proceeded to the Hotel. After the orientation which was scheduled after the lunch we had rest because all of us tired after the long jurney. It was the time when we started to prepear our self for the opening ceremony which was scheduled for 12 september at Duskin office. Now I shall explain my experiences day by day:

12 september, 2016

As per the schedule we went to the duskin office in the afternoon for participating in opening ceremony. It was the great moovment for me when I introduce myself in the third language other than English or my native language. After the formal function we had a tea ceremony which gave us an opertunaty to intract with the Japanese people inclusively persons with disibilities. I met number of people who were persons with disibilities as well ass non-disabled counterpart and share my experiences/feellings with them. Surely it was the wonderful time for me.

13th September, 2016

As we were informed at the time of orientation that we were suppose to be leave for the Tokyo on 13th September in the mornig by Shinkaensen (bullet train). As per the other trainees it was exciting moment for me even I had a riding experience in Shinkasen in the past. After the reaching in Toyamasunrise we had a another orientation in details about the facilities and important things of Toyamasunrise followed by the mobility training for the persons with visuall disibilities. The mobility instructor had a good experience which he shared with me and I was able to understand the thing very quickly. After the above orientation I am able to manage everything myself. Therefore, that day was also consist very important things itself.

14th September, 2016

It was the first day when we started attending our formal intensive Japanese language classes. In the very first day we learnt how to introduce our self in Japanese. Japanese teacher taught us how to form/make small sentences? There was a also special classe of Japanese Brail reading and writing for the persons with visuall disibilities that was the amaizing for me because I got the chanse to learn skills of reading and writing in the third language which is totally new for me. During the Learning of Japanese brail, I found that Japanese brail is very logical and it is easy to learn. In this way I enjoyed Japanese classe as well as Japanese brail classe. After the lunch we went to the Shinjuku Ward Office for Registering of IDs and helth insurance along with Nasu san and Hiruka san. Since we went by subway therefore, I got an opportunity how to buy subway ticket by the ticket machine that was also a good experience for me.

15th September, 2016

As per the schedule we had Japanese language lesson classe followed by the Japanese brail reading/writing classe in the morning session.

After the lunch break we had a orientation 1.30 PM onwards by Mitsuoka san and Nasu san about the natural disaster like: earth quick etc.

through a small documentary we were informed that what steps should be taken and what should be kept in mind during the earthquick and after the earthquick. After that we were also informed about the fire management by the staff of Toyamasunrise.

16th September, 2016

As per the routine we had a Japanese classe followed by the Brail Japanese classe. On fryday we learnt how to make question in Japanese language. After the lunch we had another orientation by the Nasu san about the jsrpd and its different activities. We got lots of information about the JSRPD and its section. That day we were introduced its information section and so on. That was really beneficial for us. On the same day we were also informed that there is a event which is known as a (universal people), the idea and its motos are quite interesting and it gave us an idea to understand the world in a better way.

19th September, 2016

After the two day long rest we joined our Japanese classe and so many new things. In the after noon again we had an orientation about the international section of JSRPD. This session really delighted us to get more about the worldwide activities of persons with disibilities.

20th September, 2016

It was the special day for all because we supposed to be give a presentation about our self and our involvement in the field of disability sector. We all did our bes and get to know more about everybody. Although we were given 15 minuts for the personal presentation but its interjection session quite knowledgefull because we got the opertunaty to aske the questions from every one about the developments in the field of disibilities sector in their respective country. With this presentation day the orientation were over. I would like to express myself that these oreintations were really fruitful and benefited to all.

21st September, 2016

This Wednesday we had hole day Japanese classe. It was the first day when I found that to learn Japanese is not as much easy as I was expected. Any how I have started worke hard on my Japanese language skills. I spend too much time for the self study even off day.

23 september, 2016

On this fryday, as per the schedule I attended Japanese classe with all followed by the brail classe in the afternoon session. Till now we have studied how to introduce our self and use of sore, kore, are, dare, kono, sono, asono, koko, soko, asoko, doko etc. possibly by the next week I will be able to make or form the some sentences in Japanese.

Therefore, I would like to express my apology to submit my weekly report in English. I can asure by the next week it will be in Japanese as much as possible.

after the two day long holiday I started my Japanese classes. Although the weekend was very fruitful as I got some new and innovative ideas about the inclusion through the event (namely, people with universal Ikiden) which was held on 25th September, at Yoyogi stadiam. It gave me the lesson that how we could make the inclusive society even with the funny event. But it is very difficult to get the more information due to language barrier therefore, it also gave me another lesson that I need to worke hard on my Japanese language skills. In this report I would try to use Japanese vocabulary/sentences as much as possible. it is obvious that I am going to do so many errors, so that I would like to express my apology in advance. And I would also like to clarify that I am going to type Japanese vocabulary in Roman letters because I am still unable to write Hiragana and Katakana in my laptop. Therefore it should be noted the English vocabulary/sentences will be shown in the inverted comma and Japanese will be in normal letters.

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26 september, 2016

Watashiwa getsuyobino asa 6jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare shkudode asagohanwo tabemashita. Atto heyadewo kairimashita. Tomodachi nihongono clashe ikimashita. 9ji 30kara 12jimade nihongowo bankyoshimashita. 12jikara 1jimade hirugohanwo yasumimashita. Whatashiwa heyade hirugohanwo tabemashita. Atto 1jikara 3jimade nihongwo bankyoshimashita. Surekara watashiwa heyahe kairimashita. Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. 7jikara 8jimade terebiwo mimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto nihongowo bankyoshimashita. Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

27th September, 2016

Kayobino asa 6jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare ochawo nomimashita. Atto shkudode asagohanwo tabemashita. Atto heyadewo kairimashita. Tomodachi nihongono clashe ikimashita. Nihongono claswa 9ji 30kara 12jimade shimashita. Tomodachi bankyoshimashita. 12jikara 1jimade hirugohanwo yasumimashita. Whatashiwa heyade hirugohanwo tabemashita. Atto 1jikara 3jimade tenjiwa bankyoshimashita. “The learning Japanese brail is quite difficult. Specially the reading Japanese brail too much difficult. It is memorizing my childhood when I started learning brail in my native language as well as English.” Surekara watashiwa heyahe kairimashita. Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. Surekara watashiwato keshave santo aruitte subahe ikimashita. Watashiwa gohanto yasaito giyuniyuto pamto kudamonowo kaimashita. Atto tomodachiwa aruitte Toyamasunrisehe kairimashita. 7jikara 8jimade terebiwo mimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto nihongowo bankyoshimashita. Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

28th September,2016

watashiwa suiyobino asa 6jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare ochawo nomimashita. Atto shkudode asagohanwo tabemashita. Atto heyadewo kairimashita. Tomodachi nihongono clashe ikimashita. Nihongono claswa 9ji 30kara 12jimade shimashita. Tomodachi bankyoshimashita. 12jikara 1jimade hirugohanwo yasumimashita. Whatashiwa heyade hirugohanwo tabemashita. Atto 1jikara 3jimade Nihongono bankyoshimashita. “just after the classe we had a orientation with Nasu san and Kawakami san about the Nagoya trip. She informed us everything about the ‘Nagoya city handi marathon’ event.” Surekara watashiwa heyahe kairimashita. Surekara Kawakami santo Murakkamisanto keshyuseto aruitte “Shinjuku sports complex”no sueporhe ikimashita. “the swimming is the one of my dreams which I really wanted to achieve and now I can make happy myself because finally I got it. I must say that the swimming classe experience was remarkable which is very difficult to write in the words and put it on paper. for me, it was the first time when formally I went for the swimming activity and I enjoyed it a lot. Swimming is the one of my will which I always tried to achieve but due to some reason I could not did it. I am so much lucky to get this opportunity. Before proceeding I would like to thanks JSRPD and Duskin foundation for designing such a tremendous course. Now my aim is to swim at least 50 meeter by the end of the classes.” Surekara tomodachiwa departuhe ikimashita surekara tabemono kaimashita. Surekara watashidachiwa subahe ikimashita “one of our friend Sankha bought a pair of sports shoo for him.” Surekara tomodachito kawakamisanto toyamasunrisehe kairimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. “since I tired after the swimming therefore, after the dinner I got sleep.” Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

29th September, 2016

Mokuyobino asa 6jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare ochawo nomimashita. Atto shkudode asagohanwo tabemashita. Atto heyadewo kairimashita. Tomodachi nihongono clashe ikimashita. Nihongono claswa 9ji 30kara 12jimade shimashita. Tomodachi bankyoshimashita. 12jikara 1jimade hirugohanwo yasumimashita. Whatashiwa heyade hirugohanwo tabemashita. Atto 1jikara 3jimade tenjiwa bankyoshimashita. “in brail classe I am trying to read and write as much as possible.” Surekara watashiwa heyahe kairimashita. Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. Atto imeruwo yomimashitato kakimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. Surekara watashiwato keshave santo aruitte subahe ikimashita. Watashiwa tabemonoto kudamonowo kaimashita. Atto tomodachiwa aruitte Toyamasunrisehe kairimashita. 7jikara 8jimade terebiwo mimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto nihongowo bankyoshimashita. Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

30th September, 2016

Kinyobino asa 7jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare ochawo nomimashita. Atto shkudode asagohanwo tabemashita. “that was the las day in which got breakfast from the Toyamasunrise restaurant. As we were informed that after the 30th September we have to manage everything by our self.” Atto heyadewo kairimashita. Tomodachi nihongono clashe ikimashita. Nihongono claswa 9ji 30kara 12jimade shimashita. Tomodachi bankyoshimashita. “on that I learnt how to tell about the daily routine in Japanese. That was the very fruitful for me.” 12jikara 1jimade hirugohanwo yasumimashita. Whatashiwa heyade hirugohanwo tabemashita. Atto 1jikara 3jimade tenjiwa bankyoshimashita. “on fryday I and Sankha got some dictation by the brail teacher and I must write that it was satisfactory. Both of we are improving The skills of Japanese brail.” Surekara watashiwa heyahe kairimashita. Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. Surekara watashiwato keshave santo aruitte subahe ikimashita. Watashidachiwa tabemonowo kaimashita. Atto tomodachiwa aruitte Toyamasunrisehe kairimashita. 7jikara 8jimade terebiwo mimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto nihongowo bankyoshimashita. Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

1st October, 2016

doyobino asa 6jini okimishita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekare “I did my packing for the Nagoya trip.” Shushite heyade asagohanwo tabemashita. Surekara “we all gathered in the lobby of Toyamasunrise at 10.20 AM as we were directed by the Nasu san.” Surekara watashidachito Nasu santo Kawakami santo waseda ikihe ikimashita. “by the chiktetsu we went to the Tokyo station. It was the station from where we were supposed to be take bullet train.” Watashidachiwa shinkasende nagoyahe ikimashita. Watashidachimo Nagoyajohe ikimashita. “being a student of History it was very exciting when I got to know that we are also supposed to visit the Nagoya Cassel which has a historical importance itself. Although, due to language barrier I did not get too much information about it’s historical trajectory and historical background of this cassel but deffinatly I got some hint which can be helpful for me to collecting the further information from the internet or from any other source/some where else. Through the Samurai show (which was translated in English as much as possible by Kawakami san) I got something new. During the visit I also asked fue question to Nasu san and she shared her information with me that was really beneficial for me. In this visit I got some information about the Tokugawa, shogun, toytomi, golden fish etc. we also did several picture session insite the cassel and enjoy ourself. All of we clicked our picture with the golden fish. Probably, this fish is the most attractive part of the cassel.” Surekara watashidachiwa departuhe ikimashita “and” tabemonowo kaimashita. Shushite hotelhe ikimashita. Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto watashiwa 9jini nemashita.

2nd October, 2016

“as per the schedule wich was already brief by Nasu san earlier, we got ready in the morning and go for the Nagoya city Handi marathon. We all participated in the above mentioned event and also tried to enjoy and make happy our self. Except fue very basic problem like: unavailability of the water at the finishing point etc event was good. After the lunch we had a closing ceremony in which we all duskin trainees were felicitated by the organizers. Just after the closing ceremony there was a donation activity. The aim of the activity was to collect the fund for sending the wheelchairs to the Asian country’s wheelchair users who can not afort wheelchairs for themselves. This activity was not convincing from any angle. Any how we all managed it and after this activity we joined a party which was given by the hosting organization which is known as a AJU. In short I must say the hole day was quite good except some activity. After all activity we went back in our hotel. Since we all were very tired because of hole day activity everybody got sleep early without discussing anything.

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3rd October, 2016

Since I was so tired due to yesterday’s activities including running so that I got up late today. Kyowa kesa 8jini okimashita. Shushite shawawo abhimashita. Surekara “as per the guidance of Nasu san we all gathered in the hotel lobby at 10 am. After that we went to the one of the sponsor company to express our gratitude to them. We had received a very warm welcome by the company. We enjoy the morning session with them. They were also presented some souvenirs to us. Over all it was the fantastic function for all.” Surekare watashidachiwa denshyade Nagoya ikihe ikimashita. Atto shikansende tokyohe ikimashita. Atto chikatetsude waseda ikihe kairimashita. Waseda ikikara toyamasunrisemade aruitte kairimashita. Surekara heyahe ikimashita. Atto ochawo nomimashita. “with the tea I also set my all belongings as usual.” Atto facebookto intanettowo shimashita. 7jikara 8jimade terebiwo mimashita. Shushite bangohanwo tabemashita. Atto nihongowo bankyoshimashita. Atto watashiwa 10jini nemashita.

Dozo Yoroshiko onigaishimasu,


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