Duskin Leadership Training in Japan

スマホ ナビ


August 21, 2024 The call for applications for the 25th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
May 21, 2024 Here are the five of 24th Duskin trainees!
May 20, 2024 Call for Applications for the 25th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2025) has been made! The deadline is August 20, 2024.
May 14, 2024 14th trainee from Nepal, Anjana san has reported her activities!
April 26, 2024 21st trainee from Maldives , Awwam san has reported his activities!
March 29, 2024 20th trainee from Taiwan , Nan san has reported his activities!
December 26, 2023 15th trainee from Thailand , Dom san has reported his activities!
December 26, 2023 19th trainee from Nepal , Laxmi san has reported her activities!
November 30, 2023 22nd trainee from Indonesia , Zo san has reported her activities!
September 26, 2023 The call for applications for the 24th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
July 18, 2023 22nd trainee from Sri Lanka, Kavinda san has reported his activities!
July 10, 2023 Call for Applications for the 24th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2024) has been made! The deadline is September 25, 2023.
【Note: The age limit for Applicant criteria has changed!!】
june 27, 2023 Here are the five of 23rd Duskin trainees!
May 22, 2023 20th trainee from Bhutan, Yonten san has reported his activities!
May 9, 2023 Dear Applicant for the 23rd Duskin training program
March 30, 2022 Dear Applicant for the 23rd Duskin training program
March 14, 2022 10th trainee from Cambodia, Amra san has reported her activities!
December 8, 2021 19th trainee from Thailand, Liu san has reported her activities!
November 30, 2021 Dear Applicant for the 23rd Duskin training program
July 21, 2021 14th trainee from Nepal, Anjana san has reported her activities!
April 16, 2021 The call for applications for the 23rd program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
December 1, 2020 Call for Applications for the 23rd Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2021) has been made! The deadline is April 15, 2021.
August 11, 2020 Announcement the date of opening application for the 23rd DUSKIN Leadership training program in Japan
June 10, 2020 Here are the five of 22nd Duskin trainees!
June 2, 2020 Postpone an opening application for the 23rd DUSKIN Leadership training
December 25, 2019 11th trainee from Nepal, Jamna san has reported her activities!
September 30, 2019 11th trainee from Nepal, Jamna san has reported her activities!
September 4, 2019 11th trainee from Nepal, Jamna san has reported her activities!
August 9, 2019 The call for applications for the 22nd program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
May 28, 2019 Here are the five of 21st Duskin trainees!
May 7, 2019 Call for Applications for the 22nd Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2020) has been made! The deadline is August 8, 2019
March 5, 2019 19th trainee from Thailand, Liu san has reported her activities!
November 28, 2018 19th trainee from Nepal, Laxmi san has reported her activities!
August 9, 2018 The call for applications for the 21st program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
May 29, 2018 Here are the five of 20th Duskin trainees!
May 1, 2018 Call for Applications for the 21st Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2019) has been made! The deadline is August 8, 2018.
January 25, 2018 16th trainee from Uzbekistan, Dilshod san has reported his activities!
December 28, 2017 Weng san (8th, Philippines) has invited to the online show!
October 12, 2017 A former trainee from Bangladesh (4th, Vashkar san) has reported his activities.
October 11, 2017 A former trainee from Nepal (11th, Jamuna san) has reported her activities.
October 10, 2017 A former trainee from Myanmar (7th, Soe san) has reported his activities.
September 22, 2017 A former trainee from Fiji (13th, Etika san) has reported his activities.
September 22, 2017 A former trainee from Indonesia (2nd, Galuh san) has reported her activities.
August 9, 2017 The call for applications for the 20th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
May 25, 2017 Call for Applications for the 20th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2018) has been made! The deadline is August 8, 2017.
March 7, 2017 A former trainee from Uzbekistan (Dilshod san, 16th trainee) has reported his activity
March 3, 2017 A former trainee from Malaysia(Yew Yi san, 14th trainee) has reported his activity
February 3, 2017 A former trainee from Tajikistan has reported his activity!
November 30, 2016 A former trainee from Vietnam has reported her activity
August 15, 2016 The call for applications for the 19th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
August 8, 2016 A former trainee from Vietnam has reported her activity
July 13, 2016 A former trainee from Cambodia has reported his activity
May 20, 2016 Call for Applications for the 19th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2017) has been made! The deadline is August 8, 2016.
May 13, 2016 6 trainees have been selected for the 18th program!
May 11, 2016 A former trainee from Uzbekistan(16th trainee, Dilshod san) has reported his activities
March 29, 2016 A former trainee from Bangladesh has reported his activity
March 23, 2016 A former trainee from Viet Nam has reported her activity
March 14, 2016 A former trainee from Philippines has reported his activity
January 27, 2016 A former trainee from Cambodia has reported her activities(10th, Amra san)
December 8, 2015 A former trainee from Kyrgyzstan(10th trainee, Seinep san) has reported her activities
December 1, 2015 A former trainee from Bangladesh(16th trainee, Mizan san) has reported his activities
November 19, 2015 A former trainee from Uzbekistan(16th trainee, Dilshod san) has reported his activities
November 10, 2015 A former trainee from Indonesia has reported her activities
August 12, 2015 A former trainee from Cambodia has reported his activity
August 11, 2015 The call for applications for the 18th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
July 28, 2015 A former trainee from Taiwan has reported her activity
July 24, 2015 A former trainee from Kyrgyzstan has reported her activity
July 23, 2015 Former trainees from Pakistan have reported their activity
July 8, 2015 A former trainee from Pakistan has reported his activity
July 7, 2015 Former trainees from Pakistan have reported their activity
June 12, 2015 A former trainee from Nepal (14th trainee, Anjana san) has reported her activity
June 5, 2015 A former trainee from Kazakhstan (8th trainee, Parkhat san) has reported his activity
May 29, 2015 New trainees have been selected for the 17th program!
May 20, 2015 Call for Applications for the 18th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2016-17) has been made! The deadline is August 7, 2015.
May 7, 2015 A former trainee from Philippines has reported her activities
May 1, 2015 Former trainees from Pakistan reported their activity.
March 26, 2015 A former trainee from Nepal has reported her activity.
February 18, 2015 A former trainee from Kyrgyzstan has sent her activity.
January 28, 2015 A former trainee from Tajikistan has sent his activity.
January 20, 2015 A former trainee from Pakistam has reported his activities.
January 16, 2015 A former trainee from Bangladesh has sent his article.
January 7, 2015 A former trainee from Nepal has reported her activity.
November 6, 2014 A former trainee from Myanmar has reported her activity.
November 5, 2014 A former trainee from Nepal has reported her activity.
October 16, 2014 Former trainees from Pakistan and Sri Lanka have reported their activities.
September 5, 2014 A former trainee from Vietnam has reported his activity.
August 20, 2014 A former trainee from Cambodia has reported his activities.
August 11, 2014 The call for applications for the 17th program has now been closed. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their applications.
July 14, 2014 A former trainee from Bangladesh has reported his activities.
July 8, 2014 A former trainees from Philippines has reported her recent activity.
July 2, 2014 A former trainees from Indonesia has reported his recent activity.
June 2, 2014 A former trainees from Philippines has reported their recent activity.
May 30, 2014 New trainees have been selected for the 16th program!
May 23, 2014 Three former trainees from Pakistan has reported their recent activity.
May 22, 2014 Anjana (Nepal, 14th program) collaborating with COCAP in Pokhara
May 14, 2014 Call for Applications for the 17th Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan (2015-16) has been made! The deadline is August 8, 2014.
April 30, 2014 Mark san from Philippines has reported his recent activity.
April 21, 2014 Attention!!! Call for applications for the next program will be made this May. The application form will be available for download on this website.
April 10, 2014 Three trainees from Pakistan has reported their recent activity.
March 31, 2014 Weng (Philippines, 8th) spoke at the Deaf Women Empowerment Seminar - March 2014
March 25, 2014 Amraroth (Cambodia, 10th) has reported her recent activity.
February 12, 2014 Anjana (14th program) has moved into a new house and met new friends - August 2013
December 13, 2013 Vashkar 's latest activity report is available
December 13, 2013 Pakistan 's latest activity report is available
November 20, 2013 Yee Haw's latest activity report is available (Malaysia, 10th program)
November 20, 2013 The Milestone has started a big and exciting project.
October 11, 2013 Anjana's activity report has been updated!
October 9, 2013 Activity Report from Pakistan (Rizwan and Shafiq) is now available
October 9, 2013 Weng reports her recent activities in India and Philipines
August 9, 2013 Application of 16th program has started!
May 28, 2013 Activity Reports: Arti's HAPPENINGS OF THE MONTHS have been updated!
May 16, 2013 Activity Reports: Huong's MONTHLY REPORT, "Tutoring and book typing for visually-impaired students" have been updated!
April 18, 2013 Activity Reports: Olesya's news and photos have been updated!
April 11, 2013 Activity Reports: The Milestone Lions won the 2013 national wheelchair cricket competition, Pakistan
April 2, 2013 Activity Report from Ulaanbaatar is available
March 11, 2013 Vashkar (4th program,Bangladesh) has produced the Internet and Web-based Content Accessibility Checklist!
March 8, 2013 Introduction to the Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI) has been updated
March 7, 2013 Activity Report on the peer counseling seminar that Mark (7th program) organized in Philippines in July 2012 has been updated
February 19, 2013 Activity Report: Weng (Philippines, 8th program) delivered a presentation at the Makati City Hall
January 31, 2013 Activity Report from the Milestone, Pakistan: Rizwan and Shafiq organized 'Active Citizens Programme' in Lahore
January 29, 2013 Activity Report: Sahadev delivered a presentation at the Annual General Meeting of NDFN
November 28, 2012 The new website has been launched!
July 17, 2012 The 13th program trainees have left Japan

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